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Technoblade growled as he yanked his axe out of another soldier. “Show off.” Quackity, from beside him, scoffed. The pinkette only rolled his eyes. 
“Really, can’t even keep your squawker quiet during battle?” Quackity glared, red from anger. 
“My mouth, is not a squawker!” Techno laughed, swinging his axe at another person’s head. It sliced clean off, falling to the floor with a wet thump. From a distance, he could see Antfrost, one of the Egg generals, using his abilities to strike multiple soldiers down, the ice spikes made him shiver. He wished he had abilities like those.  A shrieking sound escaped the avian's mouth, making the pig hybrid flinch slightly. He glared over, the other smiling smugly at the other. 
“Warning next time, bird.” He growled, quickly entering the fight once again. Quackity huffed, his sword soon following the other. 
“Whatever you say, bacon.” Technoblade laughed as he pushed another soldier to the side, blue eyes meeting Quackity’s own amused ones. 
“I’ll never get tired of you Quackity. I might not like you very much, but you're just amusing to be  around.” The other chuckled along. 
“Same here.” 

+ + +

Dream huffed, pushing another enemy back, Puffy, to be exact. “So.” he chuckled out. “You guys really did join the other side? I had a feeling you did.” The goat hybrid glared, snarling at the other as they swung their sword once again. 
Stop getting cocky, we have one life. Nightmare snarled. Dream knew the other was right. He put full force behind his next swing, aiming for her head first to confuse the other, then fell to his knees letting the hit meet her abdomen. She shrieked, blue eyes wild as she processed what had happened. He was sweating, needing a break badly, so he forced his axe to leave her side and swung again, blood splattering onto the ground underneath the other. He smiled, watching as the general slowly lost balance, the female falling backwards as she lost a life. He chuckled to himself, standing up. He turned around towards the crystals, but was faced with saddened slitted eyes, and the tip of a sword's blade. His green eyes looked at the other. Tommy, stared back. 
“I’m sorry, Dream, but t-this ends now.” Dream could feel his hand’s grip on his weapon loosen. 
NO! Nightmare shot hot red pain up Dreams spine, the other screaming out at the feeling. Before he could do anything, gain control again, he was already locked out, yelling and screaming at Nightmare. He knew it was futile though, Nightmare wasn’t going to listen to the other. 

+ + +

Tommy stared at his brother, his breath hitching as his eyes watched Dream. His screams had quickly stopped, the other stilling before slowly looking over towards the avian. Scared, Tommy flung his wings open, gritting his teeth and holding his sword with both hands. “I can’t let you do this Dream, this isn’t right!” He tried to reason, but the other wasn’t talking back. He saw the grip on the other’s weapon grow tighter, he knew the other would attack. As if on cue, the other flew forwards, Tommy quickly moving to the side to dodge the other. 
I’ve waited centuries for this, Tommy. I’m not going to stop now!” That was not Dream’s voice. Tommy’s eyes widened in realization. He whipped his head back around, seeing the demon trying to swing another attack into his side. Quickly he flung his sword towards it, but he just wasn’t fast enough. He screamed in pain, blue eyes sparkling with tears from the pain. 
“DREAM!” He yelled, quickly moving out of the way before the demon could attack him again. “Dream, please! I know you can hear me!” A huff came from dream’s body, he saw the shake the other gained. Tommy flung himself forwards, kicking the man in the stomach and watching him fall. “Dream, please!” Before he could act, the demon launched forwards, punishing him down to the floor, as he raised the axe over his head. Tears sprung out of his eyes, himself reaching for the sword that had fallen out of his grip. “DREAM!” He yelled again, anguish and pain filling his tone. The body’s movements stopped, its shaky arms still over its head. He felt water drip onto his face, his blue eyes seeing water dripping from behind the mask, landing onto his face.
“Tommy…” A gasp of air, silence filling the area around them, both brothers staring at one another, both shedding tears. Tommy looked down, seeing his sword had pierced through his older brother’s body, blood profusely trickling out of the deadly wound. The weapon over Dream’s head slowly fell, clanking onto the ground as Tommy began to cry harder. He lifted his mask away from his face, teary soft green eyes meeting Tommy’s own hurt blue. 
“I-I’m sorry- I-” Dream said nothing, only letting his free hand graze his little brother’s cheek, like he had so many times before as they grew up. 
“It's ok, Tommy.” His voice was small, blood trickling down his chin from his mouth. “It's ok.” Tommy sobbed, pulling his hands away from the weapon he had doomed his older brother with, hugging the other close as he cried. “It's ok. I love  you, I love you, Tommy.” It hurt, it hurt him that even after dooming his brother to death, even though he was minutes from death because of him, he could still tell the little brother he loved him. “I love you… I… I’ll never stop loving you, little brother...never...” It wasn’t long after this confession, that Dream laid limp in the blond's arms, the avian still crying his heart out at the loss. 

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