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{TIME ERROR}. . . 

Grian and Watcher sat on a cliff, both staring off into the sunset. Grian saighed, he always loved times like these. “Grian, I think you should take over my role.” The whispery voice of the god spoke. Grian looked over curiously to the watcher. 
“What do you mean?” The god sighed, looking towards the avian as he spoke. 
“I want to die, Grian.” The young adult hadn’t expected Watcher to be blunt about it. “I’ve been here so long, I’ve made friends, I’ve lost friends, I’ve watched them die. I have seen the wonders this world holds.” Grian blinks. “I want to finally rest.” Grian stared ahead after he spoke, letting what the god was saying sink in. “I want to give my powers to you Grian, you could watch over this world just like I did. You could go and see every inch of this place, make friends, gain everlasting memories for yourself to hold onto. Grian, I want you to be the next watcher.” 

    Present. . .

Wilbur sighed, Fundy in his arms as they finally could see the Egg kingdom in the far distance. Why Punz wasn’t letting them stop for breaks he has no idea, but it was getting very annoying. Niki seemed less bothered, but even the pinkette looked a little out of it. “When are we stopping for a break?” She asked. Punz looked over towards her, brown eyes unamused. 
“We don’t stop. We need to get back to the Antarctic kingdom as soon as possible, Niki.” The L’manburg general sighed, but complained no more. It took until almost the middle of the night to finally reach the Egg kingdom gates, walking into the torch light towns. They passed many different shops, but the four stopped in front of a pub, making the two foreigners look at Punz in a questionable way. Even with the other two looking at him weird, the door was pushed open. Many of the people in the pub looked over, though some kept their heads ducked or continued conversations. It didn’t take long for the atmosphere that was formed before their disturbance to come back. 

Punz walked in without a care, the two other adults looking around with wide eyes, Wilbur holding the sleeping Fundy closer. He knew what a place like this was, it wasn’t a normal pub that normal citizens walked into. This was a mercenary pub, full of assassins and killers looking for a quick way to gain gold, or get the thrill of the hunt. They followed Punz anyways, not questioning why a general felt comfortable in a place like this. “Hey! It’s Punz!” Someone yelled out, a few other people looking over towards them, a few even cheering. 

“Punz? Why are we here?” Wilbur whispers, brown eyes still looking around alerted. He didn’t like this situation at all. 

“My brother is here.” Is all Punz said, making Wilbur look over towards the general with widened eyes. 
“Your brother is here?” Niki whispered, showing up at Punz’s other side. She looked a little worried as she spoke. 

“Yes, he i-” A dagger came whizzing between Wilbur and Punz's head, making the prince yelp and back up out of surprise. All three looked over towards the direction the weapon had come from, seeing a very angry teenager staring daggers into Punz. 

“It’s mighty bold of you to show up here, brother.” He spoke. Wilbur took the other in. He had dirty blond hair, piercing purple eyes, tan skin, and odd anteni coming out of his head. Was he a hybrid? He wore much purple though, a purple hoodie covering his body, himself wearing ripped blue jeans, and nice hiking boots. Weapons in sheaths on his back and waist. He looked like a typical assassin to Wilbur. 

“Purpled, please li-” The teen turned away, a scowl growing on his face. Punz sighed, following the other in a hurry, making the other two struggle to keep up. “Purpled, listen. I’m sorry for-”

“For what? Joining the fucking soldier ranks? Leaving me alone for your training? Leaving me, the brother duo, to carry out being an assassin because that’s all I’ve ever known and hadn’t known where you went?" Purpled sharply turned around, purple eyes blazing. “No, Punz. I refuse to listen to whatever shit excuse you're gonna have coming out of your mouth.” Punz sighed. Wilbur felt like he was intruding on family problems, but he wasn’t going to be walking away from the people that would keep him safe in a place like this. 

“Purpled I’m sorry-” 

“I was fucking fourteen, Punz. You left for five years, and decided that you could just show up like nothing happened. Like what you did didn’t affect me.” This brother seemed to be on the edge of crying, holding back his tears as he spoke. “You didn't even bother coming looking for me when you got back from training, or that battle that got you that rank.”  Purpled turned away, ready to leave when Punz placed a hand on his shoulder. 

“I’m sorry I did this to you. I should have come back for you, Purpled. I know that. But please, our world is in danger. We need you, Purpled. We can talk about this after our mission.” Purpled turned back around, giving his brother a questioning, but fearful look. 

“What do you mean, Punz?” 

+ + +

Tommy sat in the library, a book in hand as he sat curled up on one of the couches the library held. It was a book he had always had Dream read to him, The City of Mizu. He never understood why he liked the book so much, but he did. He was deep in the book, so much that he didn’t notice George walking in and over towards the avian. George gave the other a worried look, sitting down next to the prince and sighing. “So, Dream really let you leave the cell?” He asked. Tommy looked over when George spoke, brown eyes meeting blue. Though, the general didn’t ignore the slight red tint they now held. 

“Why wouldn’t he?” George knew something was wrong with the teen, shifting on the couch as he thought. 

“Nevermind, Tommy. It’s nothing.” George smiled sweetly, standing back up to leave. But as he did, his smile faltered. What had Dream done to the prince? Why was he acting like nothing had happened? 

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