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hey! So, life has been busy. I started school, and I started my new job! So, with all this under consideration. I won't be posting as much as I have been! But, I am continuing so don't worry about this book getting abandoned. Well, with all this being said, enjoy the very long waited new chapter!

Eret sat at his desk, looking at the other four in front of him. Puffy sat in the background holding the baby the others came with. "Wait, so you're saying that the alliance is going to another continent to find these magic crystals that could literally end our universe?" Eret clarified.

"Yes, that is what we are saying." Wilbur sighed. Eret looked at the other three behind the prince, themselves nodding. The king sighed, clasping one of his hands over his eyes as he thought.

"And, you want me and Puffy to come along, to help?"

"Yes." Punz crossed his arms as he spoke. Purpled glared, facing the Pride king again.

"I know it's unbelievable, but they seem pretty serious about it."

"I thought the crystals were a myth?" They stood as they spoke, a confused look plastered on their face.

"We did too, but apparently it is very much real." Wilbur spoke, himself standing. "I can assure you, we are speaking the truth." The king frowned.

"I don't see ho-" Wilbur put his hand up.

"Before you were crowned king, you were the best general the Pride kingdom had seen. Don't act like you can't help on the battlefield." The brownette smiled as he spoke, watching a similar look form on Erets face. "We need all the people we can get. Plus, you're kinda a part of this alliance, it wouldn't be kind of us to leave you guys out of the war that will finally end Dreams' reign." Eret was defeated.

"Ok, I'll help. I'll leave my soldiers in charge of the kingdom while I am gone. But this is the only time you will get me to leave my kingdom at a time like this." Eret spoke, stretching his hand out for the other royal to shake. Wilbur's expression grew, himself clasping his one hand into the others, shaking the king's hand happily.

"Eret, I promise, after this, you'll never have to worry for your kingdom's safety." The Pride king hopes that what the prince said was true. He was under a lot of stress because of what has been happening lately, their kingdom was suffering because of this war.

"We leave in the morning," Punz announces, making a few that sat in the room sigh in relief.

One Day Later. . .

Ranboo sat with the others that were going on this trip. It was early in the morning but Phil had announced they were able to leave when Wilbur and the others came back. The enderman hybrid knew Tubbo was happy with the news, the shorter male had a huge smile on his face as the Antarctic king spoke. Ranboo would be lying if he said he wasn't worried about Tubbo. He knew of the goat hybrid's plan, how he wanted to kill Dream. He didn't want to get in the way of his companion, but part of him had wished he hadn't supported Tubbo's personal mission. Ranboo cared for the other, and he knew what the Dreamer king was capable of. He wished he could forget what Dream has done to him as well, maybe then he would have stopped Tubbo.

But part of him wants to get his own revenge. He was locked up for five years of his life, he was beaten by the king to the point he caused brain damage. Ranboo doesn't remember before he was kidnapped, he doesn't remember his parents, he doesn't remember a time where he wasn't beaten to a pulp by the older male. Out of all the memories he lost over the years, he wished those ones were the ones he had forgotten. They still haunt him, the tall teen scared that he'll turn the corner and the mask-wearing king will be there, ready to drag him back to hell.

But, if he kept a grip on Tubbo he knew he could stay grounded. If he stayed with the brave knight, Dream would never get to him. He may not be able to fight as well as many in the room he sat with, but he was smart, a quick thinker. He may be a better archer than a swordsman. Maybe he'd try archery at their next training session. He'd try and protect Tubbo the best he could, like the goat hybrid would do for him. "Ranboo?" Said teen snapped out of his thoughts, mismatched eyes meeting Tubbo's own. "Are you alright? The meeting's been over for a bit now, and I've been calling your name for a while." Tubbo looked concerned as he spoke. Ranboo only smiled, nodding in the process.

"Yeah, I'm ok. Just thinking is all." The ender hybrid stands up as he speaks. "I was thinking, what if I tried archery? Like Karl?" Tubbo raised a brow but started walking out of the abandoned room anyways, his close friend not far behind him.

"As in, you want to be an archer like Karl?" Tubbo asks. Ranboo nods slowly. "Well, we can see if Karl wouldn't mind helping you out then. But remember we're about ready to leave so I don't know how much time you'll have to explore this skill." The soldier admits to the other. Ranboo seemed unphased by his words though.

"I want to try." Tubbo smiles.

"Ok, we'll find Karl and get him to help you th-" A loud, piercing screech filled the halls, making both Ranboo and Tubbo jump. The two's hearts sped up, both frightened by the noise. After a few more minutes, the two looked at one another slowly. "W-What was that?" The brownette asked. The ender hybrids shrugged, himself terrified to find out.

"I don't know, and I don't think I wa-" Another high-pitched sound filled the halls, this time making Tubbo flinch away and grab hold of Ranboo, who himself struggled to not cower away from the noise. After the noise dissipated, Tubbo looked up towards the other.

"I think we should go check it out, what if it's a creature that managed to get into the castle? They might need help taking it down." Ran knew the other was right, giving a defeated sigh before agreeing. Soon the two friends were racing down the hall, trying to figure out where the screeching high-pitched sounds were coming from.

+ + +

Quackity stumbled back, looking fearful as he slapped his hands over his mouth. Phil had his ears covered, a wincing look on his face as the other avian backed away. "I guess we figured out your avian ability." Phil chuckled, removing his hands from his sensitive ears afterward. Quackity looked apologetic, his one brown eye loosing a bit of its shine. Philza frowned. He knew something was going on with Quackity, something that had nothing to do with the long wait of his avian ability. Techno had told him what the other avian had told him, and Philza had decided he wanted to help the other the best he could. He wasgoing to talk to Bad, and hopefully give Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity a good amount of time to see one another. He'd have to do that before the trip.

They where ready to leave any day now, they where just waiting for the others to come back with hopefully a few more helpful people. He wouldn't focus on that right now though. Philza smiled kindly, opening his mouth to speak before he was interrupted by the training doors bursting open. Not just startling him, but Quackity as well. His golden wings flared open, a high pitched schreetch once again leaving his mouth. The other three around him slapped their hands over their ears in a attempt to lessen the effects the frequency had on them. After the accidental attack, Quackity once again covered his mouth allowing the others around him to relax. Phil chuckled, catching the others in the room attention. "Whatever abilities your parents had, they were mighty powerful." Tubbo's brows raised.

"Thats his avian ability?" He asked. Ranboo looked towards the blackette, eyes wide at the discovery.

"Yes, do you think all avians can make that sound? It's his ability. One we'll have to try and tame." Phil explains, seeing a sad Quackity looking at the other two. The king frowned, walking over to the other avian who just looked guilty. "It's not your fault, it just happened! I'll help you the best I can." The blond smiled when Quackity looked back over to him. "It seems like a vocal ability, so think of it as frequencies!" Phil tries to explain, but the blackette before him just looks confused. "Like, what pitch you want. If you want it to go high, or low, maybe try and focus on even just your original voice?" Quackity slowly nodded, seeming to be focused for a long time. The other three in the room watched in anticipation. Soon the younger avian slowly moved his hand away, looking uncertain before attempting to talk.

"I-Is it back to normal?" He asks. Phil smiles. It was still a bit pitchy, but it was progress none the less.

"Not quite, but you don't sound like a pissed of hawk anymore, so that's a plus!" Tubbo announces. Quack only half smiles, giving the other hybrid a grateful look.

"Don't worry, we'll work on it for a bit longer. Then tomorrow we can mess around with your ability and see exactly what it is able to do." The older avian speaks. Quackity switches over to Phil, still looking grateful.

"Thanks, Philza."

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