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Punz sat watching his little brother as he sat against the mast, combing his fingers through his wolf’s hair. The older brother wanted to talk to him, but some part of him just didn’t want to admit the mistake he made to the younger. With a heavy heart, he started his way to the other blond, sitting down next to him. He ignored when he stopped petting his dog, or the side glare the other gave him. “Purpled, we need to talk.” The Egg generals voice was quiet, almost like he was trying to not set the other off. 
“What do you want, Punz.” Purp’s voice was cold, but he could hear the hurt laced in it, even if Purpled was trying to hide it. Punz sighed, looking down towards his hands as he clenched them silently. 
“I’m sorry for leaving you, Purpled. It was a mistake I wish I could go back and fix, But I know I can’t.” The teen stayed quiet, antennas slightly drooping as the older spoke. “I wasn’t thinking, not rationally anyways.” 
“Why did you leave in the first place, Punz? I was fourteen.” His voice shook, making Punz want to wrap the other in a hug, but forced himself not to. 
“Because Purpled, the life I was giving you wasn’t good-” 
“So you just abandoned me? You really thought that would have solved something? I was alone, Punz. I was fending for myself!” he raised his voice as he spoke, but quieted down quickly after. Finally, the teen met eyes with the older. He looked sad, but also angry. “Sure, We had it rough, But at least we weren't living off the streets like most orphans were!” 
“I-” Purpled shut him down once again before he could get a word out. 
“No, Punz, don’t sugar coat it. You abandoned me because I was an inconvenience.” Punz’s eyes widened, mouth open in silence even though he wanted to deny it. “I know, Punz. I was fourteen, and I was holding you back.” The teen’s fists tightened as he fought back tears. “Please, just leave me alone.” And just like that, the teen was back to carding his now trembling fingers through the wolf’s fur. Punz slowly stood, his brown eyes clouded as he looked at his brother. Before walking away, Punz reached out, but stopped, retracting it fast. He left, silently leaving the sad boy to be alone. 

One Day Later. . .

Soaring above the ocean, a ship was seen to be coming to their shore. Looking closer, people that Egg had described were on that ship, two avians, one with gray wings and one with gold wings, a pink-haired piglin hybrid, and even the Demon king. “Grian?” Said god was snapped out of his thoughts, once glowing white eyes turning back to brown. He looked over towards Mumbo, who looked nervous, or freaked out. “What… what was that?” They sat in silence for a moment, before the avian stood up from his place on the floor and turned towards the stairs in his house. 

“Tell the others, The ship with help is coming.” Mumbo silently nodded, making his way towards Grain’s front door. Even though this, he doesn’t want to tell any of them of his godly abilities. It would be too hard to explain to them, and his heart ached just thinking about telling his family that one day, they all would die leaving him behind. So, he would hold off from telling the truth as long as he could. He touched his injured arm, wincing when he did. Even the healing potions are doing little, he must put his trust in his rapid healing and hope it's gone within the day. Walking into a room, he opened in to reveal a room full of bird swings, and birds themselves. He smiled, letting the birds land on him as he chirped. 

“Hello, my pretties.” He cooed, putting his good arm out for them to land on. They did, running their heads against his cheek as they chirped. “We have a huge war coming, I need you guys to do me a favor, ok?” As a response, they started moving up and down, as if saying yes to his request. Grian smiled at it. “Good.” 

Three Hours Later. . .

Philza hummed, brown eyes looking over the land as he got off the boat. “We’re here!” Wilbur excitedly said, standing next to his father as he held his son close. The blond hummed, looking around before spotting a village. Wilbur followed his gaze, seeing the settlement as well, letting his smile grow wider. 

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