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Ok! Here we go! And ik, some of you are probably like, 'wtf? Jugglimg three books at the same time?! Author, are you sure?' Yes. Yes I am sure. This will be funnn!!! This time it's a bit different tho! So, I will be updating the voted winner tomorrow afternoon! So, here we go!

Run Aways: Dreamnap

Royal au
Hybrid au
IRL minecraft 
WasTaken family au 
Mercenary au


“Dream wait for me!” Sapnap yelled behind the prince, who was giggling as his friend chased after him. Finally the blaze hybrid caught up, tackling his friend to the ground. Dream chuckled, looking over his shoulder to the other male. Dream pushed the other off, still giggling as he got up. Sapnap was still of the ground dazed from the attack before smiling himself and scrambling to get back up. From a window, the two boy’s fathers sat watching with careful eyes. 
“You really think that having Dream marry that Rose kingdom’s princess is a good idea?” Sapnaps father asked, orange eyes looking towards the king. 
“It is needed to assure an alliance with them. We both know that the Egg kingdom's raign is getting scarily powerful. Even the Antarctic kingdom is scared, and they are known to produce the best fighters, themselves striking fear into other kingdoms hearts.” The king answered. “Plus, Philza is doing the same as myself. Of course, it had to be that lagoon kingdom.” sapnaps father looked back towards their children. 
“I see.” It was silent between the two, then the king spoke a few minutes later. 
“I want Sapnap to be trained to become Dreams personal guard.” His own personal guard looked over towards him, orange eyes blazing a bit. 
“I told you, XD I’m not letting my son join the ranks. I don’t want him to have this life.” Xd looked over towards his personal guard, dark green eyes holding a thoughtful gaze. 
“I understand your conflict, but we are on the verge of war. We need every soldier we can get. It’s safer for him to be my sons personal guard, than a normal soldier facing a battle with a good chance of dieing.” sapnap’s father looked back down towards him, a sorrowful expression forming. XD placed a gentle hand on the mans shoulder, a soft gaze meeting the guards distraught one. “I beg of you, Dex, I trust on one else but you. I wish for your own blood to watch over my son.” after a few more minutes of thinking the guard finally gave in. 
“Fine, my son will become your sons personal guard, as long as i train the two.” XD smiled, a fair detail the king was willing to fulfill. 
“Consider it done.” 

Dream was to marry a princess, but in love with Sapnap the two ran away. Now, the two where on their own, meeting others who become close friends and even family. But, the Egg kingdom takes over their home. And they both know they need to go back and save it.

Adoration: Quackbur

Highschool au
Nook family au 
Sbi au

Self harm 
Attepted Suicide
Eating disorders

The car was silent, Quackity’s hood up as he stared out George’s passenger seat window. He sighed, looking at his phone as he switched playlists. Once they pulled up to the highschool, George turned the car off, sighing in an annoying way. “Oh, fucker, get out.”  George growled, reaching in the back to grab him bookbag. Quackity grabbed his own, leaving the car silently. Teh brownette slowly walked through the school halls, headphones on and head down. He didn’t want to be here. Not after his breakup with Sapnap and Karl. He was still broke up about it. It didn’t help that the betrayed his trust, spilling every secret about him, and even making rumors about him. Now everyone hated him, ignored him, bullied him. He Walked into his first class, taking his headphones off and looking up for the first time. His dull brown eyes brighten a bit as he met eyes with another male he hadn’t seen before. 
The other stared back, as if in awe before smiling and waving. Quackity waved back, slowly taking his seat that was next to the other. Maybe… today wouldn’t be horrible? 

Highschool, a teens worst nightmare. It was a battle zone for Quackity, always fighting people off with noo break. His life was dull and dark, but then… came light. Now, he has a bit of happiness, a person to look forwards to see. A person he could finally trust. Wilbur Minecraft, a new student who doesn’t believe what the others in the school say about the short Senior. 

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