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Me: *looks at the comments* huh...
Brain: if only they knew.
Me: shhhh. The ending is even a surprise for the peoplee on the serverrrrr.
Brain:.....why are you like this?
Me: bc I haven't slept in two days, and have had to much coffee that I REALLY shouldn't be drinking more.
Brain: *looks at the coffee in my hand*.....ok fair.
Me: yep!

Enjoy the chapter! :D

Grian flinched at the ear piercing scream that followed the others who were now charging at him. He knew it was stupid, but they where losing and they needed to kill Dream. So now, he was fighting his way out of the chaos, only to be met with angry slitted eyes. The boy he was supposed to leave alone, held a sword tightly in his hand, looking crazed and ready to rip the other apart. Grian would be lying if he said he wasn’t scared of the calm boy he had been observing all day.

It was obvious that teen was gone, being replaced with a murderous version of himself. Before the god could react properly, the blond avain before him flew forward, sword whipping towards Grian at a fast pace. The god managed to block the attack, but still stumbled with his footing. “You took one of my brothers lives away!” He yelled, looking pissed as he spoke. Grian pushed the other back, scrambling to his feet hoping the other wouldn’t have enough sense to attack him as he did so. 

Luck was not on his side, Tommy stabbing the other avian in the shoulder, digging the blade deeper into his flesh. Grian let a blood curdling scream leave his lungs, himself kicking the teen in the stomach hoping to get the other away from him. It worked, the male before him stumbling back as he held his stomach with a twisted face. Grian stood, breathing heavily as he pressed his opposite hand down onto his profusely bleeding shoulder. His situation wasn’t good, he needed to get out of the battle and to safety.

Their job was done, they could leave. “I’LL KILL YOU!” The teen yelled out, voice strained but still powerful enough to make Grian scared. He knew he wasn’t lying, the determination in his blue eyes told him so. Without hesitation the older man started his way to safety, pushing through the battle, looking behind himself to make sure the angry avian wasn’t following. 

“RETREAT!” He yelled out, his people around him looking over before themselves screamed it out, themselves quickly making it back to camp. The dreamer kingdom seemed busy themselves, most around their falling king protecting him from being attacked again. When Grian looked back himself, his brown eyes met slitted blue. The prince was with the king, eyes puffy with tears, as he held his brother's head in his hands, the king's skull resting on his knees as he sat with him. He looked angry, like he wanted to chase after him, but was hesitant. He didn’t want to leave the other side. He wanted to make sure his brother woke up and wasn’t truly gone.

Mumbo snapped him out of his trance, his friend wrapping his good arm over his shoulders, helping him get to camp in his damaged state. Grian could barely believe this was the boy who would save the world. It seemed impossible to the god, but if Egg foretold it, he couldn’t argue. 

+ + +

Dream felt overwhelming pain fill his body, worse than when Nightmare forced control over his body. He screamed, larching forwards only to have gentle hands force himself back down onto whoevers lap his head was on. “It’s ok Dream!” It was Tommy. He heard shuffling to his right side, feeling someone grab his hand. 

“Dream, it's ok. You aren’t alone. You're fine.” His eyes were blurry from the pain, but he did make out their silhouettes. His breath was ragged, and pain made him cry profusely. He knew wherever the fatal wound was, it was bad. It felt like it was somewhere on his torso. “Dream, your downto one life now. I think it would be safer if we got you on the boat and kept you there.” George reasoned, hand squeezing his own. 

“Dream, the person who did this got away.” Tomy sniffled. Finally his vision was coming back, letting him see a teary eyed avian looking back at him. “I let him get away. I’m sorry.” The three were quiet, dream still trying to keep painful sounds down, and George unsure how he should approach the situation. 

“I-Its ok, Toms.” Dream finally choked out. “We’ll see them again. I’m sure.” Tommy nodded, sniffling back tears. “Are you ok?” dream asked, green eyes looking over his face for any injuries. Tommy’s eyes widened, a sad laugh leaving him. 

“Why are you a-asking me if I'm ok? You just died! Let’s get you to the ship, ok?” Dream nodded, letting George and Tommy shuffle away from him before helping the king up, making their way to the boat slowly for the badly hurt man. Once on board, they took him to his quarters, both about to leave before Dream reached out for his little brother. 

“No, Tommy, please stay.” The blond looked back, a wavering smile on his face before nodding. George was hesitant to leave, but did after seeing Tommy start his way to the edge of the king's bed. Tommy sat down on the edge, wiping away the few tears still on his face. Dream reached for his little brother's hand, squeezing it despite his pained joints. Tommy didit back, looking over with a happy smile. 

“I’m happy you're still alive.” The avian said. Dream smiled, letting his eyes wander to the ceiling. 

“Tommy.” Silence. “I want you to know, no matter what happens, I love you and that’ll never change.” The room never filled with conversation after that, just Tommy silently laying down next to his brother, and laying his head on Dream’s chest. His blue eyes were clouded, full of confusion. The two sat in silence, Dream staring at the ceiling and quietly running his fingers through his little brother's hair, and Tommy silently thinking as he gripped onto his older brother in desperation. 

He’s going to be the end of you. The first time Nightmare had talked since he refused to let him take control . Dream never paused himself from carding his fingers through the avian's hair, or his watering eyes from looking at the wooden ceiling. 

I know. 

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