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Grian flapped his wings as he glided down to earth, smiling as he looked at the trees around him. Flowers swayed as he created wind currents with his wings. Birds from above cawed at him, his smile brightening as he looked up at them. A crack of a twig interrupted the gods' peaceful flight, making his eyes look towards the noise to see Kristian and XD, two other gods he hasn’t yet met more than twice. “Kristian? XD? What are you two doing on earth, shouldn’t you be in the void right now?” he asks, making his way to the other two. They seemed uneasy as he spoke, shifting in their spots. 

“Grian, we have a problem.” Kristian says, sorrow and sympathy growing on her face. Grian frowned, not understanding what the other meant. 

“What problem?” He asks, worry filling his own soul at her tone. 

“We’re so sorry, Grian.” XD speaks next. 


Before Grian knew what was happening, he was sobbing, a sword stuck inside his best friend's chest, wings spread over the ground as he mourned. He was a mess, fists tightening around the sword handle as he let himself unravel in his grief. Kristian stood off to the side, a dark look falling over her face. “I’m sorry Grian, it had to be done.” 

“You could have done it yourself, but  you had to have me do it, didn’t you?” He whispers. “I hate you for this, Kristian, XD. I will never forgive you.”  Silence fell over the broken terrain. 

“You may stay mad, Grian, but we need you to watch over the crystals on earth. We can’t stay long. If they fall into the wrong hands again, who knows what will happen. That Dekon isn't dead yet, and he will be back.” Grian pulled his wings close to himself, jerking a nod at the XD’s words. 

“I will do as you wish, but nothing more.” A long pause filled the void between them. 

“May I ask one other request, Grian?” Kristian asked.  

“What.” His bitter voice rang out. He wanted to be left alone, to grieve in peace. 

“I wish to make copies of you, to help you protect the crystals.” The already broken man gritted his teeth. 

“You wish you remake an already dying species?” he growls. 

“No, I wish to make beings close to your own image, Grian.” Kristian says, already waving her hands as they sparked with power. “Beings with powers, ones that will help you in battle with the evil of the world. Take it as an apology, my fellow god.” 

“Do as you wish.” He says, still shivering in anger. “Now, leave me be." Before they could turn away full though, the young God had his own request pop into his head. "I wish for no one to know the truth of what happened, please, keep it a secret for me. I can't bear this pain." He says. The two gods look at one another, both agreeing to his request.

"Very well, Grian."

Present. . .

Karl was ecstatic when he learned that Quackity was awake, sprinting to the house that his lover had been resting in as soon as he heard the news. What he wasn’t expecting was a very sad-looking Quackity laying on the living room floor with a very thoughtful look on his face. Karl hesitated to come near the other, but soon walked over sitting down by the other as he hesitantly started carding his fingers through the other’s hair. Karl smiled sweetly when he met his gaze with the other. “Hey Quacks, what up?” Quackity smiled, leaning into the other. 

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