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Quackity dodged another attack from Technoblade, wings flying out to keep his balance as he made his way around the other fighter. His adrenaline was running, making him move quickly. Techno thought seemed to have no problem tracking the others movements, swinging his sword towards the avian and stopping his pursuit. Quackity scowled, how many of his plans were going to be fooled? “Break!” Philza yelled. He sat on the sidelines, trying to figure out what Quackity’s avian ability could be. The two huffed, glaring at the other before listening and moving away. 
“Nice try, but getting me from the sides wont work Quackity.” Technoblade said, sliding his sword into its sheath on his hip. Quackity did the same, sighing as he nodded. He knew it was a long shot, maybe if there was more than one person attacking him then he’d have gotten away with it. 
“Thanks, Techno.” The avian said, watching a small smile form on his lips. Phil walked over after their exchange, looking over towards Quackity. 
“I still can’t figure out what your ability is.” The king paused in thought. “Maybe it’s not a physical changing ability?” He looked over towards his eldest son, who only shrugged when the spotlight was put on him. 
“How do we get my ability to show, there has to be a way to do that right?” Quackity asked. Philza paused, nodding slowly. He was about to speak when Jack, his general, came bounding out and catching everyone's attention.
“King Philza, the ship crew is here!” Quackity looked back over to see Philza nodding in acknowledgement, letting the soldier leave. Phil faced Quackity, holding an apologetic smile. 
“We’ll pick up where we left off later, ok?” Quackity nodded, watching the king leave with a distraught look. Technoblade frowned at this, shifting his weight as he looked away from the avian. 
“So, how's having your fiance’s around again?” Quackity’s expression only darkened. 
“I haven’t been able to see much of either since they’ve gotten here. King Bad is determined to keep them away from me.” The avian looked down, wings falling a bit as he spoke. Techno himself frowned. He wasn’t one for romance, but he could tell that these two males meant a lot to his rival. 
“I’m sorry to hear that, Quackity.” The other nodded, lifting his head up and attempting to smile again. 
“It’s ok. Can we spar, or something?” The blackette spoke, pulling his sword back out of its sheath. Technoblade nodded, pulling his own weapon out. They got back into fighting stances, and again began training. The pig hybrid knew the other was only trying to get his mind off of the situation with his fiance’s, but it felt good having an almost equal rival to spar with. He would push Quackity to go after Karl and Sapnap tomorrow. 

+ + +

“I cannot believe he brought his wolf.” Niki sighed, her hand tightening around her sword. Wilbur looked at the beast, remembering what had happened that morning. He smiled slightly, looking down at his son who was staring at the wolf with sparkling eyes. 
“That wolf means a lot to Purpled, I am not as surprised as you are.” Wilbur admitted. Niki looked over to the prince with unbelieving eyes. They were halfway to the Pride kingdom, Hopefully they would be in the kingdom by midnight. 
“You know, instead of insulting my wolf, we could talk a bit more about this plan you guys have to stop king Dream.” Purpled growls, piercing eyes meeting Niki’s own yellow ones. “What is your plan anyways? Just go to this island and hope for the best?” He turned around as he spoke, facing the way they were heading. 
“We plan an ambush.” Punz answered. 
“Ambush? Where?” 
“In the crystal's location. They’ll be heading that way, we can ambush them there and get prince Tommy back, and take king Dream down once and for all.” Niki answered, a happy smile on her face. Purpled huffed. 
“I’ll talk to the kings about a more secure plan once we get back to base.” Purpled sighed. Wilbur raised a brow at this. 
“You think this plan has flaws?” The unknown hybrid nodded. 
“Yeah, like, where will everyone be stationed? Who’s skills actually suit a mission like this? We don’t even know if an ambush will suit where the crystals are.” Niki frowned. 
“Are you suggesting we’re jumping the crossbow?” She growled. Purpled looked over his shoulder towards the general, a bored expression being met by an angered one. 
“Yes, yes I am.” Wilbur sighed, placing a hand on Niki’s shoulder to snap the other out of her rage. 
“We can discuss further when we get back home. Until then, please, can we try and get along?” Silence filled the group, making the prince give up on any hope of saving his brother. The whole alliance is a mess, some people not getting along with others. If they don't fix their differences soon, they might fail this cutiaul mission. 

Later That Night. . . .

Eret was stressed. They sat looking out one of their office windows staring out into his quiet city. It was beautiful at night, but the king could really focus on it’s beauty. The dreamer kingdom has been pushing their borders harder than ever, making both the king and head general worried. If they didn’t fight back soon, then they didn’t know what would happen. They could slaughter the whole kingdom, take them and prisoners and take over the kingdom, or even worse, come into the kingdom and kill as many as they want and leave some for involuntary servants of the Dreamer kingdom. Puffy sat behind eret, her eyes watching her king with worry. “Eret-”
“If anything ever happens to me, Puffy, please. Get as many as you can out and lead them to somewhere safer than this.” The white haired female's eyes widened at the request. 
“What?” Eret turned around, a mournful smile on their face. 
“I know as soon as they break through, they’ll be going for me. I want you to treat it as a distraction and get as many civilians out. Once you do, take them as far away as you can.” Puffy shook her head, gripping her king's shoulders tightly. 
“I can’t abandon you if something like that happens! It’s against my-” 
“Your oath was to stay loyal to me and follow my orders without question.” Eret spoke, placing their own hands gently on her shoulders. “I want you to do this, Puffy. So please, follow my last order if  a scenario like that is to ever happen.” Puffy frowned. She had known Eret since they were children. Now, hearing her closest friend speak such words tore her apart. 
“I-I promise, Eret. I’ll do it if the Dreamer kingdom does manage to break through. I’ll flee with as many civilians as I can.” Eret smiled, almost looking relieved. Then a knock on the door interrupted the king and general. They both looked towards the door, Puffy taking her hand off of her king's shoulders and moving towards the entrance. Puffy opened the door slowly, seeing prince Wilbur first. The goat hybrid's eyes widened quickly. “Prince Wilbur?” She moved out of the way, letting the prince and his companions into the room. Eret looked at the other royal with a raised brow. 
“King Eret, we need your help.” 

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