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Tears, that's all you thought you could manage anymore. It felt like your heart was throbbing out of your chest, the weeping became too common. Your reality felt off and all you wanted to do was blame him.

He did this to you.

That hurt the most. But you knew you were apart of the problem too. It couldn't just be him, right? Who knew someone you loved with your truest and most genuine self, could hurt you more than you can ever imagine. Now you knew what they meant when they say "Dagger to the heart." It was true.

A quaint knock came from the door. One, two, three, tiny knocks came after.

"Y/N are you alright? Do you need anything?"
A soft voice came from the other side of the door.

You turned your head from inside your pillow and wiped the sadness from your eyes. You finally sat up and took a deep breath.

"Niki I love you, but you don't need to check on me every hour." You say giving a laugh through the tightness of your chest.

The door opened and you saw Niki's sweet eyes and smile as she barely peeled through the door, her hoodie sleeves covering her hands.

"I just want to make sure your ok." She spoke into the door, her chin edging the wooden side. You couldn't help but smile.

Niki was always there for you, through thick and thin. You knew each other as kids and once you moved back to London you knew you had to reach out. And now here she was at your door supporting you through probably one of the worst breakups of your life.

It was the worst feeling ever.

Your hand patted a seat next to you and you managed a smile through the redness of your face. She hopped inside as soon as you put your hand down and her arms flung around you into a soft hug. You held the hug for as long as you could before she pulled away. She smiled at you and moved a strand of hair out of your face and behind your ear.

"It will be ok. It will get better I promise." She said softly.

Your heart grew as Niki smiled at you. She was right, now was probably the hardest part but on the bright side maybe you can meet more people now that you moved back. You swallowed a lump in your throat and sniffled before speaking again.

"Thank you Niki." You said wiping your eyes for what felt like the hundredth time.

She nodded and finally began to walk out, before she left she peeked her head from the door frame.

"I'm going to be streaming later just so you know and might have someone over, I'm not sure yet though he hasn't texted me yet." She smiled back once more than gently closed your door.

"Love you Niki!" You yelled through the room, knowing it would reach her. All you heard was a muffle from the other side of the wall.

You reached for your computer and opened it to the unfinished word document you've been working on for eons.

This was your baby.

You don't need a guy to make you feel like your whole self. It was writing, it set your soul free and you knew deep down you had to prosue it. Niki tried to introduce you to Streaming because you loved playing games but it wasn't really in your... realm. Niki made it look so easy and it made sense that she could do it better than anyone else you knew. But writing was something you always wanted to do. And it sucked that you were an intern but hey, it's a start.


Your eyes tilted upwards as you heard the bump from the wall, you turned your head to the door and curled your brow. You've never heard that noise before then heard a "Sorry!" In a deep voice as well as Niki giggling. You smiled hearing the laughing from the other room and proceeded to glue your eyes to the computer, the empty word document taunting you. A breath left your chest and the thought, "maybe later" arose.

Your hoodie fell on your head as you turned and plunged your feet to the ground beside your bed. You stood and stretched before going to your bathroom. You turned a corner and jumped, scaring yourself half to death because of how scary you looked in the mirror. The black under your eyes, the redness staining your face from the crying. You turned the faucet and water splashed onto your face feeling euphoric. You rubbed the black away from your under eyes and listened to the muffled laughing throughout the wall. You couldn't tell if it was someone you met or not, Niki always had the most fun guests. All you had was basically your dad, and friends you tried reaching out to from grade school. So it was good to say you enjoyed the company that Niki brought.

Your heel turned towards the door and you continued to take deep breaths before exiting your room. You didn't want to have another breakdown today. You opened the door to see Niki smiling extremely large and face pink. You moved your eyes upwards to a man who towered you and Niki.

"Hey there." He said suppressing a giggle and giving a hand wave.

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now