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Wilbur throws a cyan colored hoodie at you and gave you a playful smile. You scoffed in response and it turned into a smile when you looked at him. He walked towards his set up and began typing away on his keyboard.

"Thank you." You said softly retrieving the hoodie he handed you. It felt soft and smelled like him.

You felt safe in it, the feeling that you were his to keep lingered in you. The hoodie was far too big for you but you felt the sentiment grow more as you put it on. 

You admired him intently focusing on the monitor, his eyes pinned in front of him, his posture slightly slouched forward. His hands then lifted away from the keyboard and one hand placed against his lips. His knuckle laid against his breath, and the deciphering look he gave was intense, focused. His eyes made their way to you sitting on the couch across from him. His pupils dilated when he caught your vision.

You knew you were staring but part of you felt bashful that he caught you like that. You looked away quickly and deepened into the couch. You couldn't get the grin off your face even though you tried so hard to act like you didn't do anything. Wilbur said nothing but smiled and focused back to the computer.

"I'm... kind of nervous." A breath left your chest as your vision focused on a spot on the ceiling.

Wilbur said nothing, he backed into his chair and looked up at you. He crossed his arms, and you could feel that he was listening.

"Is it like this every time you stream?" Your brows furrowed and your eyes met his.

He smiled and nodded.

"Yea... It's like that for me too. But it's ok, I'll be here with you." He patted the chair he brought next to him.

You gave a faint smile and shifted yourself out of the couch to go sit next to him. You plopped next to him and smiled. He looked at you and his eyes glistened. He gave you a gentle and quick kiss as you sat beside him. Your cheeks grew pink and you felt his hand grab yours.

"Ready?" His energy rose and he became excitable, squeezing your hand.

You grinned at him and smiled.


He moved his other hand to press "Go Live!" on the monitor. You both felt the nerves release as you saw chat flood in. His hand released yours to wave.

"Hi Chat!" He said energetically.

You saw everyone in chat say hello and you grinned. Will looked to you and gave jazz hands.

"Chat this is Y/N! Be kind or else." He said teasing chat.

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Your phone buzzed for what felt like forever, your hand finally reached over and muted the notifications. 

Wilbur noticed and giggled, looking away towards the monitor still. You and him both had a lot of fun just streaming together. Talking about life with chat and answering questions. It was nice, then a boy with blonde hair wouldn't stop messaging Wilbur to join a discord call.

Will joined the call and he looked at you with a pink face, trying to refrain from laughing.

"ARE YOU TWO DATING?" The boy spoke loudly, trying to get an answer.

Will began laughing, harder then you've seen before.

"Tommy this is Y/N." His laugh still lingered through his words.

"Oh, hi Tommy!" You said sweetly.

Tommy said nothing and looked into the camera, he wore a red shirt and his hair was properly shaggy.

"Answer the question." He said with a monotone expression.

You and Wilbur both spurt into laughter and your face became pink. Wilbur was quick to answer his question.

"We're not dating." He said with a cheeky smile.

You felt a little sad at the response till you realized that over one hundred thousand viewers were watching you and Wilbur's every move. So you understood why he would keep it a secret, after all you and him were already trending on twitter for just being in the same room.

"So Y/N, do you have any hot women friends?" Tommy spouted out in an obnoxious tone. 

Will continued to laugh hysterically from Tommy, it was nice seeing how Wilbur viewed Tommy and it warmed your heart.

"Of course but... none of them would talk to you Tommy." 

"WHAT?!" Tommy yelled at the screen as Wilbur exploded into laughter. 

You admired him barely gasping for air out of joy. He grabbed and squeezed your hand in affection underneath the table. You felt your face blooming into bashfulness, wondering if people saw or not. You were sure Will knew what he was doing, right? After volumes depleted Will finally cleared his throat and began.

"Alright that's enough from you Tommy, we're gonna end stream." He smiled at the screen, still holding your hand tightly under the table.

"Alright Big man see you tomorrow, and to you Y/N... EAT SHIT AND DI-." Just like that Tommy's voice faded into the discord leaving call sound. 

You and Will laughed once more and he removed his hand to wave to his chat.

"Goodbye Chat! See you soon!" He gave a genuine smile of affection towards the screen, you felt the compassion he had for his chat, even if he couldn't see them. You admired him for that.

"Bye Chat!! I hope to see you all soon!" You said energetically waving with him.

And just like that, the stream ended.

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now