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The darkness weighed on you as laid in bed. The only thing that filled your mind was thoughts of Will and tears following. Looking up at the ceiling you stare into a chipped part of the paint. Staring, like it may give you the answer. A deep breath leaves your lungs, eyes still remaining on the chipped portion of the ceiling. Will has yet to call you back within the days that you saw him last. The last time you also had an unexpected guest.

You hadn't seen Niki either, she'd been away on a trip, making more content. You didn't want to bug her though you know she'd ultimately tell you "please bug me."

Now you're here, eyes still, no one to talk to.

The room lit up to the right of you, turning your head to the brightened IPhone. A notification lights up the room, your heart jumps yet you remain still. Suddenly your hand reaches for the phone as if it had a mind of its own.

Please be Will.

"Hey. I know you don't want to talk, I understand. I just have to let you know this. What I did was not ok, I've been going to therapy and I feel like I'm heading in a better direction. I have no intention to hurt you anymore, I just want to make amends. Please, you were the best thing to ever happen to me. I don't think I've ever loved anymore than I have with you. I hope you're doing well and we can talk face to face.

It felt like all you could hear was your heartbeat as the words registered in your head. A wave of conflicting thoughts rushed through your head and heart. All of those feelings that you shoved away you thought about now, as they rose to the surface. Though it was tough and you knew for certain Will was still occupying your brain, it felt like these unresolved feelings needed to be finally handled.

Your hand laid the phone back to its place on the desk and made its way to your forehead. All you felt was pressure throughout your whole system, like gas leaks in every single part of your body. After a minute or so you got the courage to sit up and look at your computer. Might as well pass the time with some games, rather than let your thoughts consume you.

Your feet swung to the wooden floorboards and step by step you approached your messy desk and PC.

Will made this PC for you.

You sat and booted it up. The first application to auto start on the screen was discord. As the purple icon finally dissipated, you see your friends list.

Wilbur's online.

A breath left your nose, as you pushed the mouse towards the call button.

It rang, and rang.

The ringing ended earlier than it usually did. Is he fully ignoring me? Though your heart soared for the thought of Will, doubt flooded your mind. You were afraid from the beginning that you jumped into this too soon.

Were we ever a good idea?

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now