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After the stream you peered at your phone blazing with notifications. Apparently everyone liked you, because a fire of notifications popped up saying,

User started following you on Twitter

It was stressful at first but you felt a sense of ease when Niki and Wilbur turned to you.

"I guess everyone loved you as much as we do!" Niki said with a smile. Wilbur stood behind her with a meek smile.

You placed your phone down on the cold countertop of the kitchen island and watched as Wilbur and Niki proceeded to make dinner. They thought it'd be fun to make our own pizzas.

"Awe thanks guys." You spoke hearty and confident. You stood and made your way to the Ingredients spread on the other side of the countertop.

Niki worked on rolling the dough and Will was making sauce. You decided to get the cheese and pepperonis ready in separate bowls. You looked to Will and started.

"Will I really like your music by the way." You said with a smile. He smiled back and turned his head.

"Really?" He said in a soft voice that made you shudder. The heat arose again like it did before, but you didn't shake it off this time.

"Yea but..." You paused on the ingredients and turned to fully face him. He seemed shocked at this and furrowed his brow with a smirk.

"I have a few notes." Your hands made their way to your hips and gave a sarcastic head shake.

Niki put down the dough and her eyes widened in excitement. It looked like she was excited to see how'd we get along. She snacked on the cheese and her mouth suppressed a laugh. Wilbur stood shocked and mimicked your hands on your hips. As well as looking at the both of you.

"Notes? Really? Are you some kind of musical genius?" He spoke sarcastically but you could tell he kind of took it personally.

"No. But I'm a writer and some of your lyrics were... okay?" You said scrunching your face and shaking your hand back and forth.

"Oh! A writer!" He said, sarcasm at full volume.

He let out a scoff and turned to Niki. He began pointing at you and smiling in disbelief.

"Can you believe this girl? Where did you find her Niki?"

All Niki could do was laugh at the both of you squabbling. It was fun though, you knew he could take a joke so it was fun to poke at him. He finally quit the persona and leaned close to you, his arm leaning on the open part of the kitchen counter. His eyebrows indicated it was your time to talk, and his eyes had a devious look as he egged you on.

"I just think some of your songs need a bit more..." You snapped trying to find the right word. "Soul." You said eyes squinting into his sarcastically.

He retraced his elbow from the counter and slowly made a finger, again, and pointed directly at you. He squinted with you.

"I like her." He said jokingly to Niki. He let out a soft laugh and continued to make the sauce.

Even if it was a joke you couldn't help but feel the butterflies in your stomach as he towered over you. For the first time in months you felt, okay. You've gone day in and day out just going through hell, then...
He comes along and make things bright.
You knew it sounded dramatic but your soul felt at home with him, like he was someone you could trust with your life. And yet, you barely knew the tall curly haired man. Something told you, you would get to know him better.

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After the tremendous food and conversations, Wilbur said his goodbyes to you and Niki. You couldn't help but think about him. His charming demeanors and witty comments. You were given the impression that he at least liked to be around you based on the thrilling exchanges you had with him, not to mention the playful banter. You somehow felt a bit worried for Niki, you weren't sure what their past was but you were curious about it. What if you were to develop feelings for him, what would she think? But that didn't matter, you knew if Niki was truly you and Wilbur's friend she'd support you both unconditionally, right? You felt your mind leap with ideas and hopeless romantic thoughts which was odd. You didn't normally do this, Well except with him. But that is well over now. Right?

You rested flat on your bed beaming at the ceiling, full of feelings. A sigh left your chest in confusion.

What are you doing?

You just met the guy, and cannot stop the floodgate of feelings. Suddenly a buzz arose from your bedside table. Your head turned to view the bright light and swung your feet to grab your phone. Your heart swelled when you saw the notification.

@WilburSoot started following you

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now