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You sat in the back of the taxi, crossing your arms, staring at the rain pour down into the dark city skyline. This time of year was always raining, but you liked it. It felt peaceful and calm. But some nights felt utterly dreadful. Seems like your emotions lined up pretty well with the weather nowadays.

"Here." Says the man in the front of the car.

"Thank you." You said handing him your money and exiting the cab.

The car drove off and you heard the water splash on the road. You stood looking up at the apartments and felt small rain drops appear on your face. A feeling of remembrance came to you, the street lights were similar to the same ones on you and Will's date. You walked and looked around, everything looked the same, did you end up walking near his house? He took you all this way and made the walk back to your car, just for you. You felt your face turn pink when you thought of him. You then snapped back to reality and stepped towards his door.

A deep breath filled your lungs as you knocked.

There was no response at first and you stood looking around for any answer. You took a deep sigh and knocked more aggressive this time.

"Coming!" You heard a deep voice muffled on the other side of the door. You adjusted your posture when you saw the door knob jiggle.

Finally the door opened to Will's bedhead and pajamas. His eyes squinted through his glasses and his arm leaned on the door frame. His eyes beamed at you in pleasant surprise. He gulped trying to find words for what had happened and his eyes drew serious.

"Can I come in?" You said rubbing your hands together and giving a sweet smile.

His eyes sharpened on you and opened the door wider for you to enter. He closed the door behind you and you placed your rain jacket on the hooks next to the door.

"Sorry I hope you don't mind." You said placing your hands together looking at the interior of his flat.

It was very nicely decorated, full of earth tones and musical instruments everywhere. You saw papers of music scattered across the coffee table and smiled. He was so creative, even if you did playfully shit on him for it, you still were infatuated with how he can turn anything to gold.

"No I don't mind at all... How are you?" His tone turned genuine as he looked down at your face.

You smiled in response and looked down.

"I'm sorry Will, for everything." You said looking back at his sparkling brown eyes.

You both stared at each other and felt comfortable. No pressures or anything, just genuine talk. He took a breath, and started.

"Please don't be sorry. I was the one who was drunk, and I really shouldn't have done that."

He reached for your hand and squeezed it tight. It was warm, soft and large compared to yours. You felt the calluses as he caressed your hand. You felt your heart warm as he spoke. He looked towards your hand and gave a small smile. You smiled back to him and struggled to find words to fit your feelings.

"It wasn't you... I just felt unsure of my emotions."

He looked up to your eyes in response, with worry. He still had hold of your hand. His brows furrowed.

"Unsure of us?" He said his voice slightly cracking.

"No! Absolutely not of us. I'm sorry for not making that clear to you. I want this."

You looked up to his eyes, gleaming into yours, you felt your heart beat as he stood and stared at you. You slowly made your way closer to his face and felt his nervous breath along your neck. You both stood and looked at each other like you were under a spell.

"I want you Will."

He gently placed his hand around your waist and held you close. You felt the heat of his hand touch the cold of your back and your body surrendered to chills. He looked at your eyes like they were the only thing he'd ever be able to see. His lips made contact with your neck and you arched in response. He kissed slowly and passionately. He pulled away and gave you a soft look. You licked your lips and slowly made contact with his. You felt the passion linger in each other and felt it build as you tasted each other more and more. You moved your hands towards his bedhead and felt his hair intertwine with your fingers. His hands squeezed your back closer to him and you felt him start to move towards the couch. You followed his lead still feeling the passion between each others lips.

He pulled away and sat on the couch. Admiring you standing in front of him, he softly grazed his hand along your thigh. His eyes gleamed through his glasses staring at you. You finally sat on top of him and he placed his hands on your lower back. You tasted him again placing your hands on his face. You backed away and looked at him smiling in bliss. Your hand grazed his face softly taking him in. You carefully grabbed his glasses and took them off of him, placing them on the cushion next to the both of you. He gave cheeky smile and slowly moved his hands lower. You placed your hands on his face again and smiled.

You glared into his eyes, shining in the dim lighting, admiring his features. Your fingers gently lined his jaw, and watched as his chest rose and fell.

"I'm glad I met you Will."

You said placing a soft kiss on his lips. Once you pulled away you moved his curls away from his face and gave a soft smile.

He giggled and looked you up and down. He bit his lip before he spoke.


"I'm glad I met you too, Y/N."

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now