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After Wilbur called you, you both decided to have lunch in the park. Every time he neared you, you felt your heart flutter out of your chest. You stood in the local grocery store with him and searched for fun snacks to take. You took in the tall shelves and tried to reach for your favorite chips. Wilbur saw you struggling and tried to suppress a laugh. It didn't work very well. You turned to him irritated yet playful. Your head tilted to the side and gave him your best puppy eyes.

"Could you please get those for me?" You asked, a fake sniffle from your nose. He mimicked your face and laughed.

He finally shook his head and reached for the chips above your head. His arm hovered above your head and you caught a whiff of his cologne. It smelled like the woods right after a heavy rainfall. Chills fell down your back, your face turned into a soft smile and your eyes grew glassy from the satisfying smell. You could feel your heart beat fasten under your jacket. His arm finally dropped and he handed you the chips with a bow.

"Milady." He said bowing sarcastically. You laughed grabbing the chips and pushed him in response.

You thought you pushed hard enough for him to fumble but he didn't move, he stood and his face shifted to a deviant smile. His eyebrows challenged you. Your playfulness dropped as he started running towards you. You ran as quick as you could in the empty shopping lane, clutching your chips to your chest. You heard him laughing through his breath, running behind you. You quickly turned a corner and stopped.

He missed the corner. You started laughing as you saw him aimlessly run through the store, a security guard soon approached him telling him not to run. He placed his hands on his knees, catching his breath and looked stressed from almost being kicked out of the supermarket. You let out the biggest laugh you could manage, you couldn't help it. He breathed heavily noticing you laughing at him, he beamed at you laughing and shook his head blithely. He soon walked over to you and you still laughed now pointing at him. You could tell it irked him, but he looked cute frustrated.

"Great." Was all he managed through his rugged breath.

A tender smile arose from his lips, and your laugh died down. He then reached and grasped your hand. Your face drew down to your hand, you watched as he gently intertwined his fingers with yours. You felt the redness rush to your face as you looked back up to him, his eyes glimmered at you. He gave a devious smile then tugged your hand as he started running out of the store. You had no choice but to follow suit, trying to keep up with this tall lanky man running. You both felt like movie characters, living life with no worries. It felt ethereal with him and you wondered if he truly felt like you did. There were still no certain words said, but his touch told another story.

"Wilbur!" You said giggling hoping he wouldn't rip your arm off. He laughed in response and slowed when you reached a beautiful park.

A giant fountain laid in the middle of the park, water crashed loudly and you gleamed at it sparkling over the gloomy sky. He turned to you and smiled. You stepped forward to stare at the fountain.

"Wow, this is beautiful." You were left in amazement.

"I know." Wilbur said staring at you. You never caught wind of this and turned in response.

"But, my chips..." You said sadly turning to face the direction of the supermarket.

"I'll buy you like twenty later." You turned to face his cheeky grin and he shrugged. He giggled then made his way underneath what seemed like a forest of greenery.

You followed him through the trees and watched his eyes follow you. He planted his feet near a hearty oak tree and placed his hand on it, admiring it.

You pursed your lips and sat beside him. He sat with you, eyes not leaving yours. Your eyes flickered down to his lips. He noticed and took a breath. His breath gave you shivers leaving you like putty staring up at his glinting brown eyes. His hand neared your face slowly, and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.

His hand stayed for just a moment, your heart dropped as you felt waves of delight filling your senses. He soon moved his hand to reach your rose colored cheek. His eyes grew compelled in your gaze, and he leaned into your lips. His lips met yours and all you could feel was a frenzy in your stomach. His other hand reached to your other cheek and you fell drowsy in his touch. You made your hands to his brown curls, rummaging through his hair like you'd never be able to feel them again. His breath blazed with heat as the kiss became deeper and more desperate. He finally pulled away, his hands still holding your face gently. Both of your breaths were fast and exhaling as you watched each others eyes.

God you didn't have a clue what you were doing, but it felt so right. You knew from this point on you had to have him for yourself.

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now