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You woke up in a familiar space, viewing the slight sun peaking In through the window, comfortable, surrounded by bed sheets. You laid in his bed with only bliss on your mind and the sun becoming more and more present as you view your surroundings. You heard the pelting rain against the window as the sun grew. Then you turned, to see him. Wilbur, laying in his bed relaxed, his eyes still closed and his hair a mess. His arm wrapped to your body close, like he was unconsciously protecting you in his sleep. At this moment you felt good, and you wished it could stay like that forever. You wipe your eyes looking to the side table next to you. You slowly and carefully moved Will's arm away from your waist and reached for your phone. The phone lit up to see all the notifications you received, at least 30 messages sat in front of you from Niki.

Y/N are you ok? I've been seeing the comments on twitter.

I keep getting random calls and I think they're for you, I'm not sure who it is, kind of scary through.

I found out who the calls were... it was Jared, he's like freaking out to call you and I don't know what to do.

Call me when you can! :(

Your heart began to sink as you read more and more, seeing the panic Niki had to endure, thanks to you. Your head spun in these thoughts of Jared.

Why the fuck would he want to talk? He was the one who cause all of the shit in your life.

Then again he did lead you to Wilbur.

You rose slowly trying not to wake him, softly sliding off the bed and grabbing your bag.

"Hey..." You heard a quaint low voice from behind you.

Wilbur was grabbing his pillow and looking at you with his sleepy eyes.

"Hey." You said turning, and sweetly leaning near him.

"What's wrong?" He said adjusting his arms above his head.

"Oh, nothing... Niki was just wondering where I was so I was gonna head home."

You looked at each other for a moment before he motioned you to come closer to him. You sat on the bed and grew inches away from his face. He leaned in to kiss you ever so slowly. The passion tingled on your lips. He pulled away with a smile you've seen only a few times. A smile of bliss and pure love.

"I'll see you later darling." His tone was gentle and genuine.

You pulled away smiling like a fool, you couldn't help how he made you feel.

"Bye." You said softly, grabbing your items again and slowly exiting the room for him to sleep.

You walked out to the kitchen and took a breath of his home, it felt comforting. You saw the hoodie he let you borrow, laid out on the table and grabbed it. A part of you felt like if you had something of his, it would solidify you were both together, despite what he says to the internet. You knew he did that to protect you but it still felt like something was missing.

With that you put on the hoodie and turned the brass door handle, to the rainy morning weather.

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now