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Your eyes gazed at the tall man and you managed a quaint smile. He was so tall compared to you and Niki. His eyes glowed in the dim apartment lighting, specks of auburn twinkling through his round glasses. His fluffy brown hair, slightly curled coming from his heather grey beanie. You looked to Niki, whose face was red from all the laughing.

"Sorry did you hear the thump?" His hand reached the back of his head and his nose pink. You turned towards him, smiling.

"Yea, was that... you?" You furrowed your brow.

A roar of laughter came from the two and you couldn't help but giggle with them. The laughing came down as Niki reached for your hand.

"Wilbur this is Y/N... and Y/N this is Wilbur!" She said in a cheery voice, her smile reaching her ears. Wilbur reached a hand out to you.

You grabbed his hand and shook in response. His hand was oddly soft and when his eyes meet yours, you felt a heat arise in you. You shook the feeling off quickly.

That was interesting...

"We're going to stream in an hour, so... you want to join?" Niki's head turned like a puppy asking you sweetly to join.

You've streamed with Niki before but it was an off night for you. But maybe that's what you needed to get out of your funk.

"That sounds fun!" You say with a meek smile looking at the pair. They both smile and Niki grabbed your hand to pull you to her room. Wilbur followed behind.

You entered the room jumping onto Nikis bed. She followed after you. You looked to see her setup all perfect as can be. Her style was just so cute. Wilbur came through the doorway and let out a sigh looking at the two of you.

"Oh great, well now I'm out numbered." he leaned against the doorway, his arm extended over his head. It shook you how tall he was, him almost the entire size of the entry way. Niki scrunched her nose in response.

"Trust me with you and Y/N's personality's I feel I'm out numbered here." She looked at you and giggled. You felt Wilburs eyes on your back and it gave you chills. You didn't bother to look back you just continued with Niki.

"So what's the plan?" You let out with a breath and a smirk. Wilbur crossed the room to Nikis computer and opened the program to stream with. You could tell he had streamed before with how he used the program, his eyes locked to the screen.

"I was thinking maybe Mario Kart? I mean since it's the three of us now." Niki said looking at Wilbur on her computer.

Wilbur used the swivel chair and spun to face you and her. His face, puzzled, looked at Niki.

"But I brought my guitar." His brows furrowed as he laid his hands on his knees and his posture scrunched down.

"We can do that later still!" Niki said cheery. Your eyes gazed at him and he made eye contact with you.

"You play?" You said eyes not leaving his.

He leaned back in the chair, arms crossed, with a deviant smile. He nodded and smiled.

"Will is really talented." Niki said her hand placed atop of yours.

He laughed in response and his hand signaled crossing his throat. Your eyes still placed upon him. He noticed this and smiled at you. Your face grew pink.

"Nah I'm still working on my music." He said, head shaking defiantly.

His laugh filled the silence and you gave a soft smile admiring him. You could tell his energy was pure light and it made you feel warm. He looked back up to you and smiled, your eyes attached and quickly went away as the feeling of fluff entered your system. Something told you he felt it too. By now Niki was working on setting her stream up and placing the browsers were she needed them.

"Where are you from?" He said eyes still placed upon you.

Your head was down and you grabbed a pillow to place your hands on. You looked back up again and hesitated to speak.

"Oh well... I grew up in France and then moved here when I was in grade school. But when I got to high school I had to move to the US with my mum and dad. But then my mum..." You paused and tried to stay away from the sadness you'd been feeling. You didn't want to bring Will into it.

Niki turned to you with glassy eyes looking concerned. You could tell she felt another melt down coming on. Wilburs smile faded and his eyes went soft. You looked back up and shook the feeling.

"Well, let's just say I had a hard time in the US, and here we are! Surprise!" You said sarcastically with your hands shaking energetically like you were at a birthday party.

They both smiled and Niki covered her mouth to keep the giggling inside. It didn't work. You all bursted into laughter and you finally felt, loved.

"Let's start!" Niki said through the laughter.

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now