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You felt lucky that you were able to fathom even meeting Will, even at your lowest he made you feel elated, and he felt the same way. You still felt off about his reactions with fans, did he not want people to know?  You felt odd knowing Niki didn't know, she should know, she deserves to know. She was the one that introduced you to him, It's the least you could do.

You sat at your desk evading the questions on your mind, to at least try to type out your papers.

"Y/N, I need to see you in my office please." Your executive supervisor spoke in an icy tone catching you off guard. You felt static run through your body in worry.

You stood and brushed your skirt straight, taking a gulp. You walked with fake charisma towards her office. She sat at her overly large desk staring at her computer through her silver frames. Her golden hair moved perfectly when her head turned towards you, her glasses leaning forward to view you.

"Sit." Was all she said, her tone still cold.

You followed her instructions and sat in one of the two black desk chairs. As you sat you took a breath and smiled with concern. She was always calling you out but she had never called you into her office for a one on one, and she was terrifying. She turned to fully face you and placed her hands bunched together properly on her desk. Her eyes burned holes through you and the pause was unbearable.

"What do you want to do with your life?" She spoke grimly, almost as she had no emotion.

Your face went flat and your brows furrowed.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I understand." You said patiently and confused. 

"You heard what I said." She spoke faster than you could think.

You sat for a solid second and looked down.

"I suppose, I want to be a writer." You felt her eyes still on you and you looked back to them in response. All she did was nod.

"You want to be a writer?" She said in a firm voice.

"I guess?" 

"It's a yes or no question." 

Your heart dropped when you heard her speak and you finally dug up some confidence inside your stomach.

"Yes. I want to be a writer." You snapped back.

She gave a curt and insulting laugh, turning her head back to her computer. Your face furrowed in response as she began to type quickly. She turned her head back sharply.

"Good luck with that." 

You stood in defiance to her tone. Her eyes widened in response.

"Thank you for the luck, but I wont be needing it. I know you need it more than me, I mean you've been in the same position for what? Has it been ten years or something like that?" You said sharply. Her face turned sour and she said nothing.

"Have a good life sitting on your ass and telling people they'll never be good enough. Now if you excuse me, I have a book to write." You tore off your name tag and slapped it onto her desk in front of you.

You swung around and began to strut out of the room making your way to your desk. You grabbed your bag and your heart began to race. All these emotions bubbled over and you were left speechless in yourself. You felt a sense of purpose in you, and you were done being tossed around by people who didn't care about you, or let alone treated you like dirt.

You let out a breath leaving the ginormous company. You knew you had to do this but apart of you didn't know why. It was almost as if being with Will made you feel motivated to do something better with your life. You weren't completely sure what, but you knew you'd figure it out.

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now