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Your eyes opened to a blur, looking at the unfamiliar surroundings. You laid covered in a soft wool blanket and your head laid on a pillow. Feeling the comfy couch underneath you, you rose, rubbing your eyes. Suddenly you saw Will preparing tea across the room. He caught wind of you waking up and tilted his head your way like a cute puppy.

"Good morning sleepy head." He said with a smile and a raspy morning voice placing his glasses upon his nose.

He walked towards you with a cup and placed it at the coffee table in front of you. He sat next to you and all you did was smile at him, you couldn't help but shine around him. You grabbed the cup and took a sip.

"Sorry for taking your couch." You said teasingly, moving the music sheets to place your drink on the table.

He shook his head playfully.

"Please, If anyone were to take my couch I'm glad it's you." He leaned deeply into the couch and relaxed, watching you.

"What are you up to today?" You said, stretching peacefully.

He cracked his neck in wonder looking up at the ceiling. He then leaned forward to place his cup next to yours. He turned to you and squinted.

"I'm not sure, I was going to stream but, I'd honestly love to know what your doing." He leaned forward to you with a grin.

You smiled back at him and leaned into a soft slow kiss. You both smiled at each other once you pulled away. The feeling of deep affection arose in you as you looked at him. His curls fell on his face as he grabbed his tea once again, you watched his comforting smile rise as he saw you watch him. You looked at the tea in front of you and pursed your lips.

"Maybe I could join your stream? I mean, If that's ok." You turned and saw his joyful expression rise.

"You want to get into streaming?" He said softly, his eyes widening with passion.

You turned your head and looked out the window. Watching the sun reflect through the panes of glass. The yellow rays laid on his lively plant across from you and a breath filled your lungs. You felt refreshed and happy. You turned to Will's eyes who laid upon you still, and placed your hand atop his.

"I think I do. I used to overthink It but the more I do it, the more I love it."

He said nothing. He just looked you up and down and shook his head playfully with a cheeky smile. He stood and took a breath.

"What?" You said with a playful laugh.

He licked his lips and put his hands on his hips.


He said with a giggle and turned to exit.

You heard his footsteps make their way to his room.

"Want a hoodie or something?" His loud yet muffled and charming tone resonated through the walls.

"Yes please!" You said through a smile, taking another sip.

You sipped the comforting tea, watching the sun gleam through the glass windows more and more as it rose. You took the moment that was given to you, and sat in the peaceful room. Enjoying the passion you felt, the relaxation, and the fondness you felt for him.

For Wilbur.

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now