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You couldn't tell if he was bold or just drunk. Maybe a combination of both, but you felt your heart beat as he was across from you, slowly drinking his beer and taking you in. His eyes made their way across your entire body, and you felt dizzy. Minx sat across from you on the kitchen counter looking confused.

"Wow... that was forward." Minx said laughing trying not to spill her drink as she dropped off the counter.

You looked to her and laughed, you tried to play it off like nothing, but a part of you felt mesmerized by him. You considered what Minx said and felt a dark feeling take you over. Oddly enough it felt like you barely knew him, and regret lingered in you. Yes, you liked him, but maybe you were moving too fast. The thought of your ex grew and you felt the passion decline into remorse. You looked to Will and your face dropped. His declined as he saw your reaction. Suddenly you were in movement. You passed Will as he tried to grab your shoulder, not looking back you made your way through the waves of people.

"Y/N!" You heard Will's worried voice behind you being drowned out by the more people you passed.

Suddenly the tears you thought you got rid of resurfaced, almost an infection of bad emotions came to you. Through the horde of people you managed eye contact with Niki for a slight moment. You saw her smile drop as she stood and made her way to you. The logical approach would be to just go to Niki and talk, but your emotions took hold of you, as you went and locked yourself in the bathroom. You quickly sat next to the toilet curled up, letting this grief and anguish pass through you. All you felt now was numbness, and a thought appeared.

Did you use Wilbur as a rebound?

This made you hurt more because you really did like him, a lot. All at once you heard knocks at the door, and voices of Wilbur and Niki appeared.

"Y/N! Is everything alright?" Niki said with a worried and stressful tone.

You didn't reply all you did was curl yourself in. There was a pause, and then Will spoke.

"Y/N... Please." He spoke soft and sweetly.

Your head rose when you heard his gentle voice, your arms still wrapped around your legs. Tears still fell down your face but you looked to the door. You said nothing, you just listened to him.

"It's going to be alright... and, I don't know how your feeling right now but I'd like to. Please..."

There was still a twinge of drunken slurring as he spoke but it was still genuine and gentle. You paused and heard the muffled party from outside of the door. You stared at the door for a minute or two before composing yourself. You finally wiped your eyes and unlocked the door to the two looking at you. You looked to Wilbur and gave a sad smile, tears ran down your face. He pulled you in for a soft hug and his hand laid on the back of your head. His other was placed softly on the crook of your back. He felt warm and somehow It felt better being wrapped in his arms.

Why did your mind attack you like this?

You said nothing and just cried in his arms, you felt Niki's arms wrap around you too. All three of you stood in the hallway, saying nothing, just holding each other. Eventually you all pulled away and you took a deep breath. Niki then looked to you with a soft smile.

"Wanna go home?" She said sweetly.

"Yes... please." you said simply and low.

You looked to Wilbur who stood next to her, he didn't say anything but his eyes told another story. Maybe he thought he caused this, but that was far from the truth. Your emotions were far from explainable at this point and all you wanted was for him to understand. There weren't words for how you felt. His eyes were hazy and gleamed from the bright bathroom in front of him. You wiped your tears as Niki indicated to go. You followed her but watched Wilbur as you started to walk away.

He remained still, his eyes watching you grow farther and farther into the crowd.

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now