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Your phone blazed in notifications, at first it felt fun, a sense of viral attention never hurt anyone right? But oh, how wrong could you be. It stung in the best and worst way possible. Parts of people loved you and wanted to know more about you. But the dark parts had to creep out too, talking about how you looked or how you were "stealing" Wilbur away from his fans. You tried so hard to keep the positive in mind but, god was it hard... the mean comments lingered on your mind frequently after streaming.

"You ok?" Will sat on the couch next to you, focusing on the movie in front of you both. His voice rang in curiosity and concern. He reached gently for your hand.

You jolted back in shock, coming out of that feeling of blurriness. Your head shook and your lips turned into a pleased smile for him.

"Oh, yea... It's just." You paused deciphering your next words. You were afraid that you went into streaming too fast.

The words of others comments lingered into your mind and you felt... lonely. Will's eyes widened in concern and he paused the movie, scooting closer to you. He gently placed his hand atop of yours, and felt his calluses against your skin. You looked to him, meeting his eyes, they felt whole yet dark, like if he knew exactly what you were about to say. You shook your head, he has enough he deals with and you didn't want him to to be burdened by these comments.

"It's the comments... huh?" He said softly, his thumb lightly caressing your hand. Your eyes began to water as you looked to him. He quickly wrapped his arms around you close and you fell hard into his embrace.

"I-... It's overwhelming, I know. I shouldn't have thrown you into it right away." His voice was brassy, slowly entering a breaking point.

You pulled away from him, looking at his glassy eyes.

"Will, I wanted this. It's not your fault." Tears couldn't help but exit your eyes, even though you didn't feel like crying.

"I know." His hand moved from yours and now was fixed to your face.

You both focused on each other, wondering how lucky you were to just have someone to just understand you inside and out. His hand delicately grazed your face, admiring you. You admired him too, his fluffy brown disheveled hair always placed perfectly on his forehead, the round glasses that shine just right in the light, his eyes and the way they beam at you like a treasure that he'd protect with his life.

"I love you."

Your words rang soft and sincere. Your stomach flew with emotions as your mind tried to convince you that you made a grave error. You didn't care anymore, every time you held him you felt like flying.

His face grew closer and landed on your lips. You felt the warmth of his lips against yours and embraced his body closer to you. He tenderly pulled away, gazing into you and holding you close.

"I love you."

He responded with a low raspy voice. You sat holding each other tightly. You wondered if you just held each other till the morning maybe you could both wake up and feel alright.

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now