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It was a couple days since the party, you and Niki decided to just have a couple days together to hangout. You were both so busy and ever since your "meltdown" It was pretty clear that you needed her more than ever. Since you basically were jobless, now you decided to look into streaming. Niki tried showing you the ropes of camera work, chat, and it seemed fun. You were still pretty camera shy so you both decided it would be better if you just appeared from time to time on Niki's stream. You decided to make popcorn before appearing on her stream. You felt your heart race from nerves, wondering what people would think about you just like the last time.

As you walked in Niki's room she spun in her chair next to her setup and smiled.

"Ready?" She said giddy as ever.

You smiled back at her throwing a piece of popcorn in your mouth. You walked to the chair next to her and sat patiently as the screen said "Starting Soon". All the chat flooded in and you saw so many messages.

"How do you read all of this?" You said leaning into the monitor. She giggled in response.

"You don't... but you try." She said moving her mouse to start.

"Hi chat!" Niki said cheerfully as the screen showed you and her. You waved with her to chat and saw everyone say hi.

"This is my friend Y/N, now chat I want you to behave yourself ok?" She started laughing and looked towards you.

"Hi chat!" You said with a timid smile.

Everyone in chat were saying such nice things.

"She's pretty!"

"Hi Y/N!"


You looked at the last message you saw and took a breath. Why were they saying Will? Then the whole chat filled with everyone spamming Will. Niki saw this and tried to play it off casually.

"Hi Will!" She smiled and looked to you with weary eyes, worried.

You smiled in response and proceeded as normal, after all Will never did anything wrong. It was you who should have felt bad, and you did.

"Hello Mr. Soot." You said playfully. Niki still smiled at you her eyes filled joy. 

Everyone in chat seemed to like your humor.

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After Stream

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"So... what are you thinking?" Niki said as her stream was ending. 

You took a breath and pondered.

"I'm not sure, I want to keep joining you on stream if that's alright...?" You said jumping onto Niki's bed grabbing hold of one of her squishmallows. 

"Yea of course!" Niki said messaging people back on discord, her eyes glued to the screen.

You laid there in silence staring at the ceiling clutching the pillow. Your mind wondered back to Will... You should apologize you didn't want him to think he caused this. You felt selfish for running into something you didn't know if you could handle or not. You looked to your side and saw your phone placed on the bedside table. You put the pillow back and grabbed the phone. Holding it you felt your hands shake. Niki still looked to her screen and was replying.

"Hey Niki?" You looked to her with wide eyes.

"Yea?" She said not looking towards you, continuing her work.

You paused before speaking, you felt embarrassed. 

"I know this is weird to ask... but where is Will's place?" You said with a nervous grin.

She stopped and turned to you. 

"Um... here I'll text it to you." She said quickly turning back to her monitor.

"Thank you Niki, I just feel bad, and I don't want to talk over the phone."

"Let me know how it goes!" She said sweetly. You turned away and left her room feeling hopeful.

You have to go clear things up with him.

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now