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1 Week later

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"Just make sure it's on my desk by tomorrow." Her brows furrowed in seriousness, her tone like venom.

"Of course, I'm on it." You stood fragile in her presence. But if this was the way you were to become an author, so be it.

"Better be." She scoffed continuing to write on the costly computer in front of her.

You turned a heel to exit the office. It hurt to have your pride shattered but you knew that the light would be at the end of the tunnel even if it started with reviewing shitty paperwork for a large printing company. You managed to stride through the office quickly as you plunged back into your assorted seat. Your screen saver of you and Niki as young girls was removed as the mouse was moved. Your shoulders grew heavy as you let out a large sigh and gazed at the boring, meticulous paperwork ahead of you. The screen flickered and suddenly your phone lit up next to you.

Wilbur Soot is live!

You looked around you to make sure no one was in sight and continued to put in your headphones to listen to the stream. There he was, laughing at a blonde haired boy playing Minecraft. You felt silly at first watching his stream but slowly felt emerged into it.

Was this weird?

Maybe not, it is his job after all. You saw a subscribe button and thought it'd be funny if he noticed. You pressed the button surrendering your $5 just to see if he'd notice. You shook your head looking back at the paperwork above you.

"Y/N! Thank you! I'll have a chat with you later." He said grinning and laughing.

Your heart dropped as you looked to your phone. You couldn't help but smile and feel like bliss. Honestly it was a pathetic play but it worked so you couldn't really complain. You giggled as you saw some people in chat recognized you from Niki's stream. The validation made you feel strange but in a satisfying way. Your finger reached the power button of your phone and you took a fulfilling breath. Now, it was time you actually worked.

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Your heels dragged in exhaustion as you exited the big corporation. In time your writing skills will be recognized but now was the hard part. The sky blazed orange from the sun setting and you couldn't help but stare as you walked to your car. You felt the soft breeze through your hair and felt lovely knowing your heartbreak was done.


Your head shook back to reality as your phone rang, your hands rushed into your oversized purse and you struggled searching for it. You finally felt a cold touch and grabbed it.

"Unknown Number" Appeared on the screen. Your face scrunched and pressed the green button.

"Hello?" Your tone arose confused and soft.

"Um... Hey." A familiar giggle emerged from the phone.

"Oh hey Will!" You said cheery and butterflies entered your stomach.

Wow... were you already crushing on him?

"See I said I'd talk to you later... thanks for the sub by the way you didn't have to do that."

You heard a sheepish tone evoke from the phone and you couldn't help but go pink.

"Oh yea... sorry I thought it'd be funny." You brushed a stray hair behind your ear and began to lean on the hood of your car, watching the sun set gracefully. He snickered in response. Your face suddenly turned puzzled.

"Wait how'd you get my number?" You said playfully teasing him.

"Well lets just say, I know a small German girl who had it so, I thought I'd just ask for it." His voice grew velvety and you couldn't help but purse your lips. There was a comforting pause. His voice grew serious. He cleared his throat.

"So... would you want to grab dinner with me tonight? I know it's kind of sudden but I remembered your sub and I-"

"I'd love to." You cut him off and smiled. You could hear his voice shift to excitement.

"Oh! Great, I'll send you the address to this really nice Chinese restaurant." He paused.

"I mean if that's alright!" You could hear him almost nervous and it made you laugh. How sweet.

"Yea! I'll meet you there!"

"Great, see you then!"

And with that you heard to dial tone go mute. You stared at the sky slowly fading to black and smiled, you slid off the hood of your car and made your way.

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now