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It felt relaxing watching your life unfold the way it has been. It seemed only a few months ago you wanted everything to end, but then everything began to grow again. The rain came as comforting now, not something that you had to listen to through your tears. As the rain fell on this cold fall day you realized there's no where you'd rather be than with Will. Your gaze meet his next to you as he put together your new computer. It felt time for you to stream by yourself and you knew you could with all the support you had.

The only thing that stung now was your constant self worry of how people will see you. The constant threads of people decrypting you and Will's relationship, felt like a breaking weight on your back. You knew it bothered Will too, even though he stood tall with a constant reassuring face to support you.

"Done!" Will stood tall and smiled with contentment of his accomplishment.

"Good Job!" You grinned and wrapped your arms around his hips for a hug. 

He placed his arm around your shoulder and you both took in the amazing setup Will made for you.

"This is honestly better than mine." He said with a giggle and a soft kiss placed atop your head.

You turned to him gazing at his dimples, your eyes widening, adoring him.

"Thank you." You said with a smile tugging him closer to you.

"Anytime love." He said pulling you closer in response. 

Wilbur released the hug and plunged his weight into your little desk chair. He spun around and around in it looking at you every time he turned. You giggled sitting onto your bed looking at him being a goof.

"So!" He stopped spinning and turned towards you, placing his hands on his knees and leaning forward.

"When are you gonna stream?" He said with a smile.

"I'm not sure to be honest, I guess whenever." You said shrugging and shaking your head with a grin.

"Oh come on." He said dramatically shaking his head looking for a specific answer.

"Says you! You stream so randomly!" You said with an flirtatious exiting your lips.

"Seems your right." He says teasingly. 

Suddenly the mood switched. You couldn't quite match what this energy was, maybe you asked to much of him. He switched his positioning from the desk chair to stand and view the morning sun from the window. Your gaze met the back of his head, watching him stretch and put a hand on his neck. You didn't say anything or even make a noise, just watched as he continued to look outwards. Something told you that Will had something on his mind, something that seemed important. Yet, hesitation fell down your spine, letting you sink farther into your bed. He turned to view you, giving a faint smile. You smiled back of course but the energy of unsureness still remained within you.

"Will?" You said, letting your words take control.

"Yes?" He furrowed an eyebrow.

You looked up to view him more clearly as he slowly approached you. The smile on his lips faded as he took each step. A shudder entered your spine. Your gut told you to stop, but you had to continue.

"Are you worried about what people think of us?" Your faint voice echoed.

The long pause was filled by birds chirping and the silence of Will's eyes looking into you. He didn't wince at the question, or even move his eyes. He stood, blankly.

"No." He said. Giving no queue to where the conversation would go.

The pause filled the room again.

You looked away from Will. The strange energy felt like it surrounded you now. Will proceeded by putting his hands in his pockets and looked away from you. There never felt to be a dull moment with him. This was the first time you felt unsure of your relationship. Even though nothing has even happened.

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now