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Your wet shoes squeaked as you entered your apartment, throwing your bag on the hook as well as your coat.

"Niki?" You called out throughout the entryway, turning your head everyway to see if their was any reaction.

You took off your shoes and called again.

"Niki!" This time your tone rang loud and you heard it reverberate through the walls. Then you heard footsteps.

"Hey!" Niki stepped out of the doorway with a smile, she made her way to you with open arms and wrapped them around your cortex.

"Are you alright?" She said gently concerned. Her hand moved to the back of your head and tenderly held you close.

You felt the emotion slip out from your tear ducts and fell into her hug.

"I'm ok." You paused trying to reclaim the strength you had before. You pulled away from the hug and looked at her.

"I'm so sorry... I didn't see your text, I saw it all this morning and I- I would never want you to panic over me."

Niki smiled in response, her soft energy was comforting like a blanket you'd have as a kid. You could tell by her facial expression that she could never be fully angry with you, all you felt was complete understanding.

"I wasn't panicked..." She paused moving towards the living room. She sat in the forest green colored couch and patted a quaint spot next to her.

You sat beside her melting into the couch, she faced you and took a breath.

"I just understand all the comments and I know when I first went through that, I didn't handle it too well. So I just wanted to make sure you were ok."

"Thank you Niki... I appreciate it."

You both sat together, through the silence the rain started to pelt against the window. Both of your eyes widened and looked to the window.

"So much for having a clear day..." Niki giggled and began to move towards the kitchen.

"Hey Niki?" You stared at the rain, watching it drip down the wide window frame.

Niki paused in her tracks turning towards you.

"What did... Jared say?" Your eyes finally met hers.

Her eyes fell grim and looked towards the floor. The pause was longer than you anticipated and the hairs on your neck began to sit straight.

"He said something about getting back with you... and I didn't say anything because I know it's something you don't particularly want to hear... well because of Will."

You nodded looking to her with expansive eyes.

"Thank you." You said sighing and sitting back into the couch. You turned your puzzled expression towards the window watching the water ease down the window.

Niki nodded and stood watching you with care.

"I mean... If I were you I'd block him. With all the shit he put you through I'd say that's the best thing to do." Niki finished her advice and turned to the kitchen.

You sat up and looked her direction, you wanted so desperately to believe she was right. Somehow you always felt a soft spot for that bastard. It made you hallow to know that he could so easily slither his way back into your life. But this time you felt angry, he had no right to ruin your life. Will has lifted you up with love, so you should feel nothing but indifferent towards Jared.

Your rubbed your puzzled expression away and reached for the phone, to finally end this dispute. For good.

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now