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 "Y/N, why the hell would you quit?" You heard your dad's voice fill with concern and anger. You knew he'd react like this.

"Dad, they treated me like shit, and I don't want to be treated like that anymore, by anyone." Your voice stood firm and relaxed, knowing if you got angry or frustrated your dad would go off like a timebomb.

"Is this about..." His voice dipped into quietness. 

"No! God dad, I'm over him and all of that... craziness." 

A pause stood between you and the phone attached at your ear, you couldn't tell what he'd say next but you could only imagine his face.

"I just don't want you to do anything you regret." He said firmly and fatherly. You gave a meek smile.

"I'm ok, trust me."

"Okay..." Was all he managed as you heard him move around. Your face turned flat.

"I got to go, but I'll talk to you later ok? Love you dad!" You tried to raise the cheery tone to make him feel better but you could tell it wouldn't work.

"Bye sweetheart." He said, then dial tone. 

You removed the phone from your ear and placed your hands on your head. You took a large breath and looked to Niki siting at the table behind you. She always helped you articulate with your father since you mostly would talk with your mother. But ever since she... you felt you could barely get a word out with him. Niki looked up to you with her kind eyes and a meek smile. You both stood looking to each other with understanding, no words needed.

Suddenly Niki's phone buzzed and she jumped in response. She grabbed her phone quickly and smiled. Your head tilted hoping she would fill you in. She didn't.

"What's that?"

Her eyes widened and looked back up at you. She smiled.

"Oh it's a party! Would you wanna come?"

You turned taking a breath, well it would be good to get your mind off the situation of how you were going to pay rent. Then a thought appeared.

"Is Will going to be there?" You turned quickly. This caught her off guard.

"Um, yea I think so why?" Her face was taken back but the suddenness of the question.


"Uh well..." Your heart began to race with anxiety. Should you tell her? What if Will wouldn't like that you told her? 

"I just think he's cool, and was just wondering." Your hand reached the crook of your neck nervously. 

"I think he'll be there, not sure." She said her eyes making their way back to the continuing buzzing of the phone.

A moment of silence stood between the two of you, the anxiousness rose through your neck. 

"Is it a streamer party?" Your eyes evaded hers, looking to the floor. Your hands placed across your chest.

She looked up from her phone with a smile. 

"I mean, kind of? There will be streamers but it's not an exclusive thing... why? Wanna go party girl?" She sat across from you teasing in a playful tone. Her smile radiating at you. 

Your face grew red and bashful looking up towards Niki. You giggled back to her.

"Yes, honestly it's been a rough day." 

Niki stepped forward and placed her hand on your shoulder. She didn't say anything, she only smiled her sweet smile like she always had before. Then she pulled you in for her signature hugs, and you melted in her arms. You felt so guilty

She pulled away and placed a hand on your cheek lovingly.

"Come on lets cheer you up then." She turned grinning and giggling towards the front door.

You followed behind her now accepting her invitation and teasing. A feeling of hope arose in you, somehow by having no direction you felt the most like yourself than you had in years. That same feeling before relying on people who didn't love you, the pure joy of being present. A giddiness was in your footsteps walking out the door, and the anticipation made your heart twirl.

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now