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It's been a month since Wilbur talked to you last. You figured that meant he was done, and you just had to move forward. This wasn't something that could have spawned into your mind, he really just stopped talking to you.

As hard as it was all you could do was move forward. Everyday was different, some were dark and you remained in your bed till you had to eat or move. But some were better, you'd try to workout or go for walks. The thought of streaming crossed your mind more than once but, that also battled the thought of, what would people ask about Wilbur?

Niki returned to the Greek tragedy that is your so called "life" and helped you through it. It was odd, her reaction to the whole thing. She said the she's never seen Will act anything like this in the entirety of her even knowing him. This hurt.

You stretched your arms out wide, looking out of your window. The window you fondly remember looking out with Wilbur, watching the rain pitter on the window sill. All you did now was watch the sun, shine through to your whole body, wrapping you in much needed warmth.

"Hey." Niki entered, wiping her feet on the front doorstep mat.

"Hey." You said plainly, your head still looking out.

A bit of silence laid between the two of you, not uncomfortable, but peaceful.

"These are for you."

Your head turned, Niki was now steps away from you. A beautiful bouquet of fall colored flowers, and a glass geometrical vase was a top of her hands.

You smiled.

"Thank you Niki."

"They're not from me."

Your face scowled with confusion. You turn to face her, expecting a glow. But instead you are met with the very same confusion that laid on your face.

"Who are they from." A deepened breath leaving your mouth.

"I have no idea." She says with pure curiosity.

She smiled, sat the bouquet on the coffee table, and turned her heel away toward her room. You watched her stray away and quickly jolted up to the flowers.

There was not note, or anything to indicate who they could have been from.

"There was nothing that came with these?" You yelled to Niki who was now in her room.

"No! It was just given to me by this guy, who said they're for you." She yelled through the walls.

Your head spun as your heart hoped it was from Wilbur, but why would he send another person to give them to Niki out of all people? Then in an instant you connected dots in your head.

"Hey Niki?" You said after the moments of thoughts rushing around.


Your heart deepened with beats, feeling more prominent with each breath.

"Did you happen to see what this guy looked like?"

"Uh... he was not too bad looking!" She said sarcastically.

Then the thought connected, you realized Niki has just only heard all about this man but has never really seen him.

Could it have been Jared?

You sat still, viewing the flowers, they were so pretty. Yet Will fled to your mind.

"Niki?" You called.

She walked back out and smiled at you so brightly.


"Have you heard anything from Will?"

She paused.


You both sat in silence, you could tell it had affected her as well. He knew you both lived together and hadn't reached out to her because of you. But why was he doing this? Doing this to you was wrong of course but dragging Niki into it, you knew something must have been wrong. If you had the chance to just explain yourself everything could go back to normal and you and him can just be together, happy. All you wanted was his touch, his presence, his smile, his songs, his laughter, his teasing, you wanted him in your life.

This was something you had to do, and it was time that you forced him to realize this.

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now