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Two months have gone by since you last saw Wilbur. It hurt but you knew if you ultimately tried to speak to him you would be more hurt with what was to come. You had a theory that maybe Jared got to Wilbur, telling him things about you and him that we not true. You knew how Jared was and unfortunately this was something that was in the realm of possibilities with him. Wilbur still streamed from time to time and so did you. You felt the most confident you've ever had with streaming and that was thanks to him. 

You sat still on your bed. Calm. your eyes meet the stiletto heels you have laid out next to your outfit. You had to look nice, this job was important. Your eyes remained on the heels looking at the shininess of them, recalling these heels were the same ones you wore on your first ever date with him. You looked around and everything seemed to remind you of him. You still loved him of course and you grasped a feeling of fearfulness, would you ever be able to love again. Your heart beat increased as tears welled up in your eyes as they did so many time before. But this time you held them back. 

You arose from your bed taking a large breath and finally reaching for the clothes. You clothed yourself, thoughts still floating. It was getting somewhat easier but it still felt as though you were on autopilot. You've been talking to Niki about it but there's only so much that she can help with and she has. She talks with him still but never mentions him, for sake of yourself, you suppose. 

You turn to the mirror, revealing the look you had spiraled across your desk and managed a small smile. Though it was small, It was genuinely the first smile you've had within the past month, and that made it good. You stood sporting a black and white pant suit, a business' casual outfit paired with your favorite hoop earnings and those very same stiletto heels you loved dearly. They were your mothers, it felt like you could still be like her. Continuing to correct you outfit to be perfect, a light flashes from your phone. A notification.

Turning to view your screen you see a tweet from nonother than @Wilbursoot. Your heart panicked but sat quickly back to your bed to read the tweet.

Wilbur Soot - Your New Boyfriend

watch/listen with your eyes/ears:https://youtu.be/Xa0Swz3X1cQ

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now