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A loud knock mutters in the next room. Your eyes awaken to the bleak bladed sunlight coming through the blinds. The silk sheets fell soft and makes it impossible to get to where you need to, the knock blares again. You wipe your eyes to the repeated sound.

"I'm coming!" You muster, as you roll out of bed, slipping on your pink slippers.

The knock gets louder as you exit your room, feeling rushed you make your way to the door. Panning at the window in your living room you see the dark early sunrise, till you finally reach the door. The door opens to a tall figure, who is brooding. Your eyes widen and your heart sinks to the bottom of your stomach, pitted. The feeling of becoming stone send chills throughout your body as you stood, breathless in front of none other than Jared.

"Hey." He manages quietly as he stands in front of you, hands jittering in his pocket. You could tell he was anxious as well.

But soon enough that feeling of utter shock turned in to despair as you realized the man that you swore to never talk to again was standing at your new flat. Your heart transitioned back then anger filled your senses. How dare he go through all these steps to find your new phone number, new social media and new place. Suddenly your hand took flight and shut the door quickly. You turned hoping he would finally get the hint of "Leave me the fuck alone" but when another knock was placed inches away from the very door in front of you, you knew he wouldn't get it.

"Y/N! Please just, please." You heard his deep voice through the door. You closed your eyes but the feeling that he wouldn't go unless you talked to him appeared.

"Fuck." You muttered as you prepared to open the door.

The door reopened to Jared in the same position though, he was going to knock again. He quickly put his hand down and cleared his throat. He waited for you to say something witty as you've always done in the past but now you said nothing, there was nothing to be said. He quickly caught onto that and looked at you with his bright blue eyes. It looked like he hadn't shaved in a month or so, and he looked burley. His hair was neatly trimmed yet still fluffy and his clothes said he was desperate.

"I know there's really, nothing..."

He looked at the floor and took a breath. You could see the thoughts in his head coming together like a collision. You hated him, and yet those old memories made you feel upset for what he looked like right now, standing in front of you. You couldn't help but to feel sorry for him.

"Come In." 

You looked at him with sympathetic eyes. He glanced a faint smile at you, yet still avoiding you eyes. He moved passed you slowly, and you felt ambivalence rush over your body as he sat on your leather couch. Closing the door, you made your way in front of him. Sitting felt like it was too welcoming so, you stood, wondering what could this guy that ultimately ruined your life, want now?

"I'd like to apologize." 

You felt a shock down your spine and your eyes widened. You thought he was incapable of feeling empathy. He took a pause, again waiting for you to respond but instead you were both greeted by silence.

"I know this is crazy but... after we broke up, my life went to shit."

Your heart instantly started pumping fast and you felt something snap inside of you.

"Your life went to shit? Jared do you realize who your talking to? You fucking ruined my chance at moving forward, and now because life didn't go your way you come here crying? Give me a fucking break!" 

You started pacing, thoughts and feelings rushed back like you were in the same place you were years ago. All that calm that you came to find in this new apartment rushed away as you saw him, sitting there with a shitty look on his face.

"I know nothing can make up for it... I just want to say that I'm sorry and I want to help. I know I'm awful for what I did and that's why I wanted to come and not fix it but try to move forward so we both don't have to think about it anymore."

Your anger still lingered inside you, but something about his words were compelling. What did he want?

"I'm so sorry Y/N." 

Tears started welling in his eyes and his hands went to his head.

You looked at him confused. Was this genuine? Suddenly you hear a faint knock at the door. Both of you flinch unexpectedly. You look to him with no words, and made your way towards the chipped wooden door. You turn the handle. Wilbur stands smiling on the welcome mat with a bouquet of lilies, he knew they were your favorite. He wore a green flannel and his hair was perfectly fluffy, just how you loved it to be. His smile faded as he saw the intenseness on your face.

"Hey love, are you alright? Is this a bad time?"

His tone was sweet, loving, he adjusted his glasses carefully with his non occupated hand.

You give him a half smile, as you grab the flowers. They smelled beautiful and dreamy.

"No everything is fine, your so sweet."

Suddenly you see anger twitch onto Will's face, as you feel a hand on your shoulder. Jared stood behind you now, almost like a standoff. Your heart dropped and you turned frozen like a statue. You felt your face go pale as you saw the two exchange looks. Wilbur's face turned sour and shook his head, as he turned to walk off, tears growing in his eyes.

"Wait Will!" 

It was too late as you called for him, he was already too far to hear you. You turned with anger and slapped Jared's hand away from you.

"What the fuck is your problem?"

"I'm sorry I just wanted to see who it was."

"Get the fuck out. Now."

Your low angered voice made him react fast. He was smart to not say anything as he walked past you quickly and left. You closed the door and fell to the floor. Your hands gently slid in your hair and you felt every emotion possible. This is the worst thing you could have imagined and you hoped it was a nightmare. Of course it wasn't.

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now