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Your converse hit the wet pavement leading up to the loud apartment, the boisterous voices where muffled by the slight rain. You and Niki stood under an umbrella together, you felt her warm energy and knew she was a bit concerned about you. It hurt because deep down you truly felt like you couldn't tell her anything until it was certain that you and Wilbur would be together. Something told you he wasn't completely on the same page as you were, the reaction of him fleeing from your side as soon as he saw a fan, honestly felt hurtful. Your shoes stopped hitting the puddles in front of you as you saw Niki stop and turn towards you.

"Are you sure your ok?" She says bluntly. You both pause under the umbrella, the rain getting louder above your heads.

"I just feel like your not telling me something and honestly its hurtful." She said clutching the handle closer to her, causing you to step forward. 

"Niki, I just don't feel like anything is set in stone right now, not even my own feelings. Trust me... I will come to you right away when I need you." Your voice stood sincere and sweet. 

All she did was nod and turn towards the door in front of you both. You looked to her knocking and smiled. You could tell she wasn't content with that answer but you weren't lying, you had no idea where you stood as of now. Suddenly the door opened quickly and vibrantly to showcase a tall gentleman with blue eyes and a buzzcut hairstyle. His smile was wide and his jaw was chiseled.

"Niki! Come in!" He said merrily putting his arm around her shoulder, a beer in his other hand. You both followed him in, to see a whole crew of people drinking and having all sorts of fun.

The man turned to you and tilted his head.

"Oh! And who might you be?" He said cheerfully with a strong British accent, Niki giggling beside him.

"I'm Y/N." You said with a grin. He removed his arm around Niki and placed a hand in front of you. You took it and shook as he laughed drunklike.

He pulled away and gave a big smile.

"I'm Jack. But the ladies call me JM. That means... Manifold. Um- J-Jack." He said clearing his throat trying to recover from his failing words. Niki playfully punched his arm and gave him a smug look while laughing.

"Sorry." He said rubbing his arm and laughing at her. 

The two looked like a fun pair together and you were glad Niki had good friends, she deserved them. Jack indicated a hand to follow him and took Niki to a room indicating more people they knew. You stood back and saw how happy Niki looked with other people.

"I'll catch up, I'm gonna get a drink." You looked to Niki who already was given a drink by Jack, she gave you a "Cheers" motion and left with him.

You wandered through the crowd of people in the small apartment, you weren't sure how many people were able to fit. You felt a bit of anxiety rush over you evading the people. You knew you needed a drink now. You looked towards the kitchen and saw people chatting amongst themselves, a fridge next to them. A girl with purple hair and really beautiful makeup saw you looking panicked.

"Hey are you ok?" She said, an Irish accent coming from her lips. This caught you off guard, nonetheless you were appreciative of her noticing.

"Yea... I just need a drink." 

She said nothing now and grabbed a beer placed on the counter behind her. She smiled and handed it to you. You popped the top off on the counter and started to drink. You saw her eyes on you now and she smiled.

"Goddamn girl! Your hot and a drinker? What a women!" She said loudly in a drunken Irish tone. All you did was laugh at her, watching her try to stand.

"Are you a streamer?" She asked leaning into your ear.

"Um, no but I was thinking about it..." You said loudly to compensate for the music blasting. She smiled and placed a hand her hip.

"Well you should cause your hot." She said bluntly taking another sip of her drink. 

"What's your name?" 

"It's Y/N." You said with a smile.

"Y/N!" You heard a loud voice behind you, and turned you head.

There he was, pink drunken cheeks, hair messier then ever, his eyes squinted and hazed. He wore a simple sage green sweater and the same pants he wore to your date. He put his arms out walking towards you and your heart flew. Every time you saw him you felt at home, euphoric. You didn't even need to drink because he already made you feel dizzy. He finally stepped towards you, and looked down to meet your eyes. You felt his hand place on your shoulder and a squeeze. His arm now wrapped around your shoulder and you shuddered in response to his gleaming eyes.

"How are you love?" He says in a raspy drunk voice. 

"Oh lord." The purple haired girl turned to her drink in response to him and rolled her eyes.

Wilbur saw this and smiled.

"Well Isn't it my favorite lady of the hour? Minx!" He gave his best sarcasm and giggled at her barely standing up.

"Fuck off you piece of shiet!" She said viscously. This took you back and looked towards Wilbur.

He laughed and whispered in your ear.

"Its just a bit, don't worry." You smiled at him, taking another sip of your beer.

"Wilbur, I didn't know you have such hot lady friends? Well I know you know Niki, which is still pretty shocking to me but..." She said laughing, and adjusting her hair. 

Wilbur pulled you in closer in response.

Was he getting protective of you? 

If he was, damn it was hot.

"Yea sorry Minx, I'm afraid Y/N has someone to be preoccupied with." He said taking another drink.

You took this as an opportunity to see how he really felt. You stepped away from his grip, causing him to lose his balance. A look of shock filled his face. You stepped towards Minx and looked at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Are you sure? Last time I checked I was single?" You said giving him a wink. His face went beet red.

Minx started laughing up a storm  and could barely get a word out. You laughed with her, you couldn't help it her laugh was contagious. You saw a devious low smile reach his face and all he did was stare at you and took a slow drink. You shuddered at this and felt a roar of heat rush into your body. He suddenly placed his drink on the counter and cracked his neck. Your eyes went to confusion and so did Minx's. He made his way over to you and placed his hands on your face. In an instant his lips met your passionately and a fire rose in both of you. You fell into the kiss feeling needy for more. Your hands rushed into his hair and you felt his place on your lower back. Your back met the wall behind you, and suddenly he pulled away slowly, letting it linger in you. Your eyes grew hazy from him and all you felt was excitement running through your stomach. He turned and stepped towards his beer taking a sip and looking you up and down. A smug look sat on his face. All you could hear now was the loud music continuing to play, everyone around you said nothing.

"Well Damn, I really hoped you'd be single." Minx said sarcastically looking at you taking another drink.

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now