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You and Niki arrived home, your raincoats were soaked from the ongoing pouring rain outside. You both said nothing as you sat on the couch in your living room. She looked to you and paused, almost trying to find words.

"Let me know when you want to talk." She gave a meek smile and went to turn away.

"We can talk now." You said bluntly, trying to wipe the redness away from your face.

She nodded and walked slowly over to you on the couch. She sat next to you in a crisscross position, her hands in her lap, ready to listen.

"I just want to say I'm sorry, I thought I was done with my meltdowns. It's even worst when you invite me to a party and I do that."

She shook her head.

"No don't be sorry, I know you don't do it on purpose."

Another pause stood between the two of you, she looked away looking for words again. Niki had always chosen her words carefully and that's how you knew she cared.

"Do you know what caused it?" She said placing her hand on yours. Her eyes laid hopeful and sympathetic.

You closed your eyes and felt shame. You supposed if you told her now it would just be easier, but you didn't say anything, you shook your head.

"I didn't know you and Will were that close." She said lightheartedly, trying to make you smile.

You did smile, even if It was small. Your eyes began to fill with tears again, as you looked to Niki.

"We kissed." You said simply.

Niki didn't say anything, she placed her hands back in her lap and looked towards the floor. She nodded trying to comprehend what you had said to her, she filled with shock. Your eyes evaded hers but you saw her head drop. You both said nothing and sat together. She finally turned to you with concern, her eyes went wide.

"Was it because he was drunk? Did you not want to?" Worried sat on her face and your grabbed her hand fast.

"No, no... I mean he was drunk but I did want to, it just shocked me was all and than I got scared and thought of Jared."

Niki looked to you and said nothing her eyes stayed large. You hadn't said his name since you broke up, she took a gulp before speaking.

"Oh..." She looked away again and nervously twiddled her thumbs.

Through the pause you took a breath and decided it was time.

"We went on a date a while ago... and it was the first time I genuinely felt happy since the breakup." You said, wiping your puffy eyes.

She looked up again, a meek smile crossed her face in content. She didn't say anything she just smiled.

"I just... I didn't say anything cause I wasn't sure how'd you'd react." Your words fell honest and vulnerable.

This was the first time you actually said any of this out loud and you felt silly for holding it in this long. It just felt like If you told Niki right away, she would think less of you somehow. But all of that was false, as you looked at Niki now. Her eyes wide with hope and thoughtfulness, no judgement whatsoever. This must have been a habit your ex implemented into you, to not trust the ones closest to you. It made you fucking hate him.

"Thank you for telling me this." Niki said softly, her hands grabbing yours.

You went in for a hug and she opened her arms for you. You sat together, listening to the rain pelting against the windows. You held tightly against her. You realized it wasn't even the thought of your ex that lingered, it was also your mom. All of this bundled up energy fell as you were being held in her arms. You both huddled together only hearing the sound of rain and emotions wash away.

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now