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Your eyes still laid on his, breathing heavily. Both of your hands dropped and you smiled softly. He still processed the kiss, you watched the furnace of emotions in his eyes. You placed your hand on his and began.

"Thank you for telling me how you feel." You said teasingly, he then laughed pulling himself together and turned away looking at the green around both of you.

You both tried to shake the feeling realizing you were in public. You weren't someone who typically enjoyed PDA. But you couldn't help it, the fire was already started in you and your mind was only occupied with Will. He took a large breath and stared at the fountain.

"I wouldn't be happy with myself if I didn't do that." He gave a soft giggle and grabbed your hand.

"Really?" You said in a playful tone, tilting your head. His eyes made yours again.

He pursed his lips as he turned to you. Your heart swelled with joy.

"I just haven't been able to stop thinking about you." You beamed at him and your stomach did flips from the conformation.

"Omg It's Wilbur Soot!"

You both peered across the park and saw two young girls make their way over. Will's hand evaded yours extremely fast and stood to brush himself off. This struck you by surprise, and a jolt of guilt made it's way through your system. He smiled as he waved to the girls. You stood and brushed yourself off as well, watching him interact and giggle with the girls. You felt weird until you remembered he was pretty popular and this might have been a pretty common thing for him. The girls rushed to you and smiled.

Oh no, did they recognize you?

"Could you take a picture for us?" They eagerly passed their phone to you before you had anytime to answer. You tried your best to not look like you had a problem.

"Oh of course!" You said, smile fading.

Wilbur looked to you with a sarcastic grin and little headshake, an indicator to if you were ok. You didn't make any face back, your eyes met his.

"Say cheese!" You said with a large cheesy smile.

The girls posed and took more selfies as well as asked Will every question known to man. You walked back over to the tree feeling distraught. Well there goes the moment. You watched Will interact with his fans and you couldn't help but smile, he was so animated and fun.

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It felt like a couple hours or so had gone by as you watched a crowd form around Will. You now laid under the tree you shared affection under and watched the leaves fall and turn orange. You'd forgotten how pretty the fall was in the UK. You were so used to California and the endless waves of heat. It felt nice to feel the cold. Your head turned and watched him still interact. You knew you were hanging out with him before, but all you wanted was to just talk and be around him more.

Fuck it.

You planted your feet quickly and ran your way over to him. His head turned and his eyes went wide with confusion. He admired you running towards him and gleamed at you. His fans turned in response with furrowed brows. You finally reached him, now inches away from your face.

"Will has to go now, but I'm sure he loved meeting you all."

His gaze still remained on you and his fans gave a confused look. You made a straight face in response to the silence and your eyes went back and forth between the two.

"Anyways bye!" You said as you started dragging Will using his hand just as he did to you in the market. He started running with you laughing and waved to the girls. You heard them complain behind you but you kept running. Everything you heard disappearing behind you.

You didn't even turn towards him, you kept running till your breath was weak. The sky grew dim as you ran, the sun set as your heart sped up into the night. You finally reached a lamp pole that was cloudy, the fog surrounded you as you stopped. You turned to him and smiled. He breathed heavily and beamed at you, his dimples perfectly in place. The lighting stood dim highlighting both of you like it did once before. You both took deep breaths and giggled.

"That was the funniest shit, I've ever seen." He said a large laugh came from his chest.

"Glad you liked it." You said pulling him close, staring up at him.

His hands softly grazed your back as he reached his arms around you placing his hands on your waist. You leaned in softly and met his lips, this kiss sweeter and more tender than before. He breathed between your lips and your hands met his face this time. You pulled away and your eyes glued to his. He took a breath and began.

"When I said I liked you, I meant it you know?" He said his voice turning gravelly. The frenzy of feelings awoke in you again and you bit your lip.

He took you in an embrace, your head laying on his chest. He swayed sweetly under the dim streetlight.

This is bliss.

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now