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Ever since the date with Wilbur, he seemed to be the only thing occupying your mind. It felt like the world melted around you when you met him. At the same time you were having difficulties understanding why you felt the way you did with him. You made the initiative and yet you were panicked with thoughts. Maybe you jumped into this too fast, when you met him you were still recovering from mental breakdowns. But your physical reactions told you otherwise.

You rose from the soft sheets of your bed and sauntered to the kitchen. Niki was at the table scrolling mindlessly through her phone, her head tilting up to meet you. She beamed at you noticing the happiness radiating off of your body.

"Well someone's glowing!" She said placing her phone on the table, moving her hair out of her face.

You grinned back at her pulling out a simple cereal and bowl. You continued making your breakfast while Niki got closer to you. She soon put her head on your shoulder like a puppy dog.

"So your not gonna say anything?" She spoke with a teasing tone, releasing her jaw from your shoulder. A sigh came from your mouth as you placed a spoon in the bowl of dry cereal. You looked to her with a smile you couldn't shake off your face and turned to get milk.

"Ok fine, don't tell me you got a promotion or whoever he is." She playfully giggled and took long strides back to her phone.

You stood still with the milk in your hand and the chilling temperature of the fridge on your back.

"How'd you know there's a guy?" Your face turned bleak and the feeling of guilt treaded in.


You felt like a horrible friend. She knew and you didn't even bother to tell her? Then the thought of Wilbur telling her crossed your mind. That's even worst, how could you do that to her? You practically just met the man and the idea of Niki being told this about you and Will sounded outlandish. She turned in response and tilted her head curiously.

"Oh so there is a guy?" She said giggling and crossed her arms. You shook your head in response and closed the fridge behind you. You poured your milk and looked at Niki with a bothered smile.

"What! It was a guess!" She sat in her chair same as before and reached for her phone.

You took an irritated bite out of your cereal and began.

"I'm just not sure If I'm rebounding or not. And If I am, I'm clearly not realizing what I'm doing to... the guy. I just don't want to rush into something I'm not sure about." You spoke nonchalantly as you consumed your breakfast, hoping she didn't notice the nervousness radiating off your shoulders.

Her head turned towards you and a tender look fell on her face. She stood from her chair and set her phone down. She looked down and licked her lips before she spoke. You took a gulp, worry took you over.

"Y/N, Your a good person. If you like this guy go for it, don't let the past stop you. I'm sure if he likes you back he'll understand." She spoke peacefully and composed. Your eyes faded into calmness as she made you feel better.

A meek smile formed on her face and she nodded her head to you. You shook your head trying to dig the guilt away. Your eyes met hers and you smiled with her, placing your spoon down.

"I just... don't want to hurt anyone, because I know how it feels." Your eyes fell down to your now mushy cereal.

"You won't, I know you." Niki stepped towards you.

"Thank you Niki." Your faced scrunched together with a semi-fake smile, and you turned to wash your bowl.

You didn't look at her now, but you felt her gaze still on you. It stayed silent until you turned on the water in front of you, the warmth meeting your hands. You heard her footsteps evade the room slowly and you sighed. You heard a buzz on the countertop to see a contact picture of will on your screen. You shook the water off your hands and grabbed the phone, gazing at the photo before answering.


"Hey Y/N! What are you up to today?" Will's excitement beamed through the phone. You gave a large grin when you heard his voice, cheeks going pink.

Your system felt a jolt of energy and that negative voice you heard inside yourself this morning quickly dissipated.

"Not much, want to hangout?"

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now