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You stood still, face directed towards the wooden door. The feeling of hollowed nerves filled inside of you, followed by chills crawling up your arms. This anxious feeling physicalized as you stood in front of his door. You knew one thing for certain, your feelings were true and your heard flied every time you thought of him or even heard his name uttered. Your finger tapped the doorbell and your heard the loud buzz through the door. Your hand retracted to your side as you continued to stare forward.

"Coming!" You heard a familiar voice echo on the other side of the door.

Suddenly the door opened wide revealing that fluffy brown hair and round gold glasses that you loved so dearly. Through those glasses your eyes met his, his golden brown eyes glazed over when he met yours and his expression shifted from a bright tone to a hollow expression. This made your heart jerk in confusion and hurt. You didn't even do anything to deserve this, Jared showed up and that was not your fault.

"Hey." You said trying not to sound completely desperate.

He looked at you cold, you've never seen this side of Wilbur, it was like apart of him you never knew replaced the one you loved.

"Hey." he said monotoned.

"Wilbur, I want you to know... Jared came to my house uninvited."

He looked to you now, really looked at you and his expression lighted. Not all the way but a bit. You continued.

"I never wanted to talk to him again you knew that."

He nodded in agreement and listened.

"Look, I'm not sure what you think of this but I want you to know... I love you." The words left your tongue with ease, almost like your heart was certain of it. Waves of chills fled through your system as you watched Wilbur.

He loosened his firm appearance now and made his hands to the side of your shoulders. He smiled as tears welled up in his eyes. He suddenly pulled you into a hug that made you feel like you were engulfed in sunlight. He was the one that made you feel like you could live this day, right now, with nothing else but him. He was all that you wanted, nothing else mattered. You pulled away to meet his eyes. His hands quickly wiped the tears off his face.

"Sorry..." He sniffled, turning pink from the embarrassment.

"I love you too." He said, his eyes slowly turned to your lips.

Heat rose in you as passion flooded your body. Your cheeks turned pink as you adored him. In an instance he pulled you into a deep kiss. You both fell under the spell of lust as you wrapped your arms around each other. Nothing in the moment could interrupt this. You felt sublime as you rushed your hands through his hair as you did once before, his fingers wrapped around your waist as his tall stature leaned over you. He tilted to kiss you and leaned more and more into you. He pulled away, his hands still on your waist, and his thumb gently caressing you thoughtfully. Your eyes glowed as you looked at him.

Suddenly your phone buzzed, and your body jolted in response.

"Sorry." You shook your head, pulling away from his arms.

"It's fine." He took a breath to brush off the heat.

A pause happened as you reached for your phone still buzzing on silenced.

"Who is it?" He said distracting himself, trying to shake off the lust that laid all over him.

You glanced at your phone.

Incoming call from:


He looked down, his hands now in his pocket. Suddenly his tone shifted again.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He said quick to anger. You panicked following him storming off into his apartment and closed the door behind you.

"Wilbur please I-"

"Stop." He said stern and loud. louder than you have heard Wilbur ever talk. His cold tone freighted you. You stood still, like a deer in headlights and instead of trying to explain yourself you stood frozen.

"I wont be your second choice. I thought I'd be the one to marry you, not him." He paced now, his expression growing more and more outlandish.

"I understand! I've seen Jared, he's all that you would want, look at him! Why would you come here and say you love me when you know you don't. I love you so much. I know because when you stream I'm always in your twitch chat. I'm always wanting to be there for you, and I am. But you have not talked to me in a month and I cannot be second. You moved on so quick and yet come back here and I can't do it." his words rang as more tears fled from his eyes.

Your eyes widened hearing his words. You confessed your everything to him, and you can't understand where this could all be coming from.

He stared at you now. His expression hopeless. You stood still, all this information plummeting into your brain and yet not a word is able to come to mind. Your eyes just filled with tears as you watched him.

"Please go home." He said stern and quiet.

You backed up slowly and shook your head in defiance.

"Wilbur I lov-"

"GO HOME Y/N." He said powerfully now.

You continued to back up til the door hit your back you reached for the handle quickly and left. Closing the door behind you.

Just a Taste // Wilbur Soot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now