chapter 1. It's September 7th, another dream.

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"Hey Zack we should start walking home now, It's getting late, & the library will clothes soon".

A girls soft voice says in a whisper.

The voice was soft almost calming to the ears.

I look up from the book I was reading only to meet her brown eyes.

Her eyes where lighter then mine & always shined in the light remined me of a dark honey color.

zack "Did you find Dominic yet?" I asked her.

Elizabith "No I don't know were he would be at." she replied

she had long dark curly hair.

In the moment of looking at her I deamped about tuking her hair behind her ear imagining how soft it would feel as her cheaks and nose turn a light pink i would lean in to kiss her felling her soft light pink lips agented mine.

I clothesed the book in my hands snapping me out of my implosive thoughts.

I side the book into its original place among thousands of books.

The book was new with a black & white pitcher of a forest called The Fallen.

zack "Okay let's find him. He's got to be here somewhere".

To the right side of me the hallway field with bookshelves lead to the middle of the library.

It has tables an teens siting usually doing homework or chatting as the librarian tells them to "shush."

The lift side of me was just a another hallway going up and down. were the librarian had set up a few tables and chars. all the hallways were always light up with lights so it helped to find the books we needed.

This was the schools way of entertaining teens waiting to get out into the world couldn't wait to grow up. we only had four years lifted of hell & we were out lifted all alone to defined for are self's. for me I don't know what the fuck ill do after this probably go to college another four year until I can find out what i want in life Right now all I have to worry about is passing my grades.

As we started walking down the hallway away from the group of kids on their phones siting at table's. I really don't get why waste your time in a library if your just gonna look at your phones all day.

I feel this strange feeling of something almost drawing me down the hallway. As my ears start to ring an my head pounding. what was strange is that theirs nothing their but I kept walking the ringing in my head got louder and louder. but it felt as if something was puling me in this deration. I couldn't help myself like I had no control over my self.

Elizabeth the girl that's with me followed behind as if she didn't notice. As she walked she played with her hair and looking at all the books as if she was in her own little world. In a daze I kept walking.

"Elizabeth" A voice called.

All the pounding & ringing of irritating nose faded away into a silent nothing void .we both turned to see Dominic standing right their.

dominick "hey I've been looking for you guy everywhere".

Elizabeth puts her finger up to her lips "shh" she was a sweet girl that loved to fallow, as well obey roll's unlike Dominic always braking them. Like ditching school, not coming home on time, on top of that going to party's.

elizabith "Oh we were just going to look for you" her soft words hummed in my ears like birds singing.

"Okay lets go" Dominic says staring right at me with his light blue eyes. like he new something was up. He sounded like he was in a rush to get out of here.

Dominicic has on a dark blue shirt with riped skinny jeans.

my shirt was red you couldn't see it under my jacket that was black. It was normally cold here in aspen city.  But today the sun was out and it was worm. I regreted chousing to wear a stupid jacket and pants at list Dominicks pants has holes in them mine dont.

As we lifted the library walking down a flite of stairs that had wooden railings but the rest was segment steps.

as we walk down the stars Elizabeth grabs a hold of the raling watch each step she took i pitched my self picking her up as she raps her arms around my neck holding on to me as i walked her down the steps. she had on this flowy shirt that went down to her elbows it was white and in front had 3 button at the top. it showed her stomach a little with cute high wasted bellbottom pants to go with it.

as we walked down the street i couldn't help but notice how tight they were around the waste as i couldn't stop myself from looking down at her butt it mad her look hot. I couldn't stop the thoghts that ran throught my mine

we normally took the back roads some were paved some was so un mantained that durt covered them. having to carrys books in are bages never mad it fun. It was the town of Aspen it was more of a city life then a town. buildings everywere and lots of greenory fast food restrants down the main strip with cute shops people would go in just to look around. expensive fantsy cars driving around the reachy aryas. streat sinds everywere with lights that told the car's when to go and stop but one thing for shore u hardly see any kids playing out side anymore as their parints by them new eletronicks every day they find that going out side is boring they rather wave their Iphones around like no tomorew it was boring to watch them do nothing with their lives. now days its all about looks and how much money you can spend.

We finally stopped at Elizabeth's has we waving to her good bye.

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