43 Dominick is cursted!

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As I walked into the lobby with my bages i could see Dominick up ahead checking in as he looked back at me with this glare and walked off. I came up to the lady's at the check in desks they greated me with smiles

Hello zack how was your time away ... Said.

It was okay kinda sucked to leave my mother behind but there's something about this place that just tells me i should be here. I told her

I already logged u in you can go now


I headed up stars it was late and i was tired what day is it what time is it here how long have ive been gone i dont understand this time difference here as I got to my doorm and opened the doorn I walked in

Hey zack how was your day out simon asked I droped all my stuff onto the floor next to my ded and layd flat on my face leting out a grown

Long day Simon said

Yeah it doesn't help having to say good bye to my mom ill probably never see her again and on top of that Dominick isn't talking to me now im so tired i just want to sleep.

Why did you guys have an agreement or something. Simon asked

Yeah i said some stupid shit to him.

Like what

Will come to find out not only my life is a lie but my best friend manipulated my mind and now i dont know whats the truth anymore. He was saying he had no choice like as if the princess makes him be her puppet. I said what if she tells you to lick dog shit off her shoe's you'll do it.

What was his response

He didn't have one the driver told use to stop fighting and the rest of the ride was quite

I feel like he's his own personal why cant he make decision on his own for once why does he follow every order she gives him.

You do know he has to obey her regardless of what he wants or believes.

Why it makes no sense. I said

Because his family is cursed. Simon says


Yeah it started with his ancestor it was a poor family they stoll from the royal family to feed their starving children. But they were cout stilling and as their punishment their children will serve them and from generation after generation it was passed down. He has to obey the princess orders.

And what will happen to him if he doesn't.

Idk i heard family members suffered a great pain if they disrobed some even died.


I know his cousin lucifer  tried to disobey idk exactly what happened.

So Dominick never tryed to disobey

No he was born into being a garden for the royals so he loves his job and takes to mutch pride in it so it wouldnt even cross his mind to disobey order.

Born but it thought they were a poor family

They were but after the curse was placed the king dicied it would be a good idea to make the family part of the royal garden's so over generations it was bread into them to be a garden.

What about lucifer why isnt he one.

His family abandoned him and he was adopted into a new family later on he found out his real family. But he used to be part of the military at the time  he was the kings right hand man when it came to everything but somewhere along the lines he stoped caring.

Wow i didn't expect that.

So you saying that to Dominick probably hurt him knowing he cant help his situation or get out of it but you as a friend talking to him like that probably hurt a lot.

I honestly dont know what to do i shouldn't have said those things to him it was wrong.

You can always apologize.

Yeah your right i should.

Will im off to bed night.

Good night.

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