14 what the hell

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As dominic gets this eary felling in his stumick.

dominic hey we need to go right now

he starts walking faster and faster and got a little haded of elisabith an me

hey dominic slow down its only just rain Elisabith says

As ringing in my ears fild my mind Elizabeth turns her had bad to see whats behind her she had this face of share tarifing look as she turned around and froze in place her eyes were widen.

Looking confused I looked to see what she was staring at.

as the ringing in my ears gets really loud to the point I couldnt hear nothing. as darkniss fills my head and I cant see nothing but a dark voyed I keeped walking as my ears start to bleed and the only coler in the dark voyed was the red blood dripping out or my ears from the ringing as this little girl aperars in frunt of me waring a white lasy dress and had blond hair with blue eyes.

Zack! zack! she calls out

zack who are u? how u know my name? how old are u? are u losted? weres your mom and dad at? who takes care of u?

were am I? who am I? why is this happening to me?

all the queshions fild my mind. I started to chock on all the thoughts my mind fild with. I starts to couff up blood as I looks down at my hands driping in red. I stoped walking

all of the blood seamed to disaper out of my hands poring into this dust that was taken by the wind as the darkniss lifted from my eyes as the clouds were back

elisabith looking tarified as hell and scared.

dominic! u need to see this right now.

Before those worlds got out he was already jumping in front of use.

what the hell is that thing Elisabith says

it looked to be this dark beired serowned buy this dark air around it as it was ginormas it was as big as a human

Dominick holding a sword in his hand.

The sword was long and sharp were u hold it had designs of scales out lind with gold green crystal's were in it wings like a bird.

The sword was long and sharp were u hold it had designs of scales out lind with gold green crystal's were in it wings like a bird

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what the hell I says

as flash backs begain to show up in my head memoerys of somthing in my child hold

A sword but not the one in Dominick hands although they look alike this sword was blue as a child seeing this sword gave me a smile on my face it was held in a case but somthing about this sword was almost a calling to me.

As everything else was a blur I looked to see the monster like thing come at use

as it got closer it truned into this dark humin figur that looked like a shadowas charging right at us

dominitc "say hear catch" he tosted somthing in the air. with out thinking I reatched for it. it lands in my right hand. holy shit i cought it i thought to myself.

i look down to see what it was. a key? what the fuck am i suposted to do with a key? strang key it was fantsy had all these desyins and a blue crystal in it.  

"run take elizabith out of here right now" dominick says

i looked back up to see dominick swinging a sword slashing into the beast. i emedeatly turned to grabe elizabith. pulling her arm draging her with me we ran a little up ahead. 

there was these trash cans we hid behind them. We both squatted down not wanted to tuch the durt that covers the ground with little rocks everywhere

   we were both brething hevaly trying to find my breth i look at the key why did he give me this? I've seen this before but i don't remember where.
it was silver key with wings on it. Their was a blue crustal in side it.
How odd it looks.

"elizabith was in shocked she asked whats that in my hands 

"elizabith was in shocked she asked whats that in my hands 

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"its a key dominice throw to me".

it had a buten on it. wierd i clicked it and it swong open into a swored

"shit" i stumbeled back in shocked. 
Landing on the hard ground with my ass.
my other hand was their to catch my fall coverd in durt and rocks i could just feel all the little rocks being shoved into my palm of my hand

the sword was made from steel. it was sharp i could run my feangers acrosted and it would cute like butter.  It had strange designs on it with wings of a bird.

As a flash back of my child hold came in to mind some on handing this to me as a child wait but who i cant remember its a blur an older man strange why am i remembering this now whats gotten into me

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As a flash back of my child hold came in to mind some on handing this to me as a child wait but who i cant remember its a blur an older man strange why am i remembering this now whats gotten into me.

I looked over at elizabith having a pankattack. hey hey its gonna be okay i set the sword down onto the grownd look at me i placed my hands on her cheaks as tears fell i wiped them away with my thumbs look we should get out of here. i slide my hand down to her hand i stood up and helped her onto her feet picking the sword up with the other hand we walked out onto the road.

looking to see doninick as he was thrown onto the growned

conused and taried i ran to him elizibiths hand slips out o my grasp. i wasnt thinking just keeped going. you can hear the screams from him as i watch him get stabed over and over repetitively. i just couldnt stop myself from runing back to him to help. leaving elisabith petriied standing in the road alone. i stoped to look at elizabith being grabed up and taken away buy the dark creatchers as she was draged and poled kicking screaming let me go help somebody zack help i stode in taror tromitised by the horors unolding right in frunt of me i took a beep breath in. 

tears falling from my face. no blood was falling falling it was dark almost black driping from my eyes whats this am i bleeding no this isnt blood its to dark. i turned to look at dominick laying their on the grownd.

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