28zack transcripts

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Shall we Talk about were to place zack


Were to place me?

Yes we have different classes to place people like the sick are on the other side of the campus so that they dont effect the angels or half dreads

 but when we first opened the school the half breads were getting sick also we losted a lot of people when the new virus came up we decided to split them up so that their more safer.

Your an angle so thats already placed u in the angle class not how to determine mental and physical abilities.

Im os confused mental and physical why do we need to know this

To place you in the right classes for explain Dominick can u please show him your class skedual.

Damn why do i have to

He pulls out this paper out of his pocket sets it on the table

i look at it ive seen this some were were have i seen it im so confused

Yeah sorry about that man i had to use my ability on u at the time so you didn't ask questions and get curious

You used your ability on me when how why

A few times only to make u forget

Your fucked with my mind to make me forget what else do i not remember. Just stuff like when u seen my papers to this school nothing big or important

Don't You ever fuck with my mind again

Dont worry i can't

What do u mean

Your curse was broken and so for some reason my ability doesn't work on you anymore

What why wait how do u know that were u gonna use it again on me

No no only to make you clam down and it would be easier to explain everything to you and when u didn't believe me i...

How does this forget stuff make it so i would believe u or calm down

I don't just have the ability to make u forget its not like that its the ability to manipulate peoples minds to believe what i want them to believe

What you fucking manipulated me and you were gonna do it again

I ah.. Im sorry. The papers i just told you would forget about what was on it thats all im sorry.

Clam down you to stop fighting

Im trying to explain were to place you zack

As u can see on Dominicks papers it tells you what ranck hes at in both mental and physical it give your a listed of classes he needs to take and what his ability is for yours im not shore were your at.

What does A.1.3 mean?

Thats were you have A stands for angles then you have mental strength and physical strength 1throw5 1 being the highs and 5 is the lowest. On the side is what classes we have angles classes for explain Dominick has only one class because hes completed all the others and as u can see it has A.2 the a as you know is angles and the 2 is the classroom. And next it it has the teachers name.

Im still confused but i think i understand it now

We have a A buildings awitchs all the way on your right we also have bcde and f buldings the f duldings are for the sick the e buldings are for the elements and bcd is for the strength your at and were you need to work on

Ill place you in the training room for now for the school work ill be figuring out a good placement for you ill talk it over with some of the teachers

Whats the training room?

Thats were your work on your abilities

Ill have someone come in to tetch you some of the battling and to help you more on your ability for now ill have you go to the door rooms get settled in their. And i should have your transcripts soon

Your doorm room number will be A.12 their will be a few room mates their to help you. Dominick will you see to it he gets their


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