35 Dominick talking to the princess

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Dominick's view

I was told you wanted to see me miss ..... I said unsure what the princess wanted from me.

Dominick your here good.

the princess gets up and walks over to me with a smile on her face. she raps her arms around my wasted and pulls me into a huge. i stud there. she was obvasly shorter then me. as her face presed agented my chested it made me feel warm as my hart stared to sped up i wander is she can here with her head so clost to my chested.

you smell like a forest. she said robing her cute Nosie little into my shirt.

shes so cute when shes like this. my face tuned a red shade. what should i do should i huge back would that be breach of practical. my face fells like its on fire as i held back a smile. i took a step back scratching the back of my head

so you have something important to talk about with me? i asked.

yes come sit with me she grabes my hand and pools me towords the choutchs in the room. as she sat down

please sit she asked

so i sat accosted from her.

i wanted to talk with you regarding zack she said

what about him i quested.

while as you know he is in treinging right now about i would like to have someone explain more about use and this world the history about how we bacame and if he has any questeins he can have answered.

yes i think that would be good. i siad

oh come one no need to be shy around me she gets up and sits down next to me. as i was confused. i moved to the side a little. relax you dont have to be so proper you know. as she took a sip of her tea.

its my douty to be proper around you miss... i still have a status to fallow. i repyed.

yeah yeah what ever. so regarding zack how is he taking everything in?

pritty good. so do you know where gonna place him? i asked while sipping tea

not yet after the training is over with lucifer then ill place him. she said.

i spited out the tea as it spraid everywhere on me i chouched down the worm tea. ceching my breth what did you just say!

oh you mean lucifer yeah he was the best canidit for training zack I know hes not so good to have in the school or for the schools reputaion to hold but he gets the job done.

are you nuts why him theirs so many canidits out their that would be better why would you trusted him out of everyone else? i said

becouse he gets the job done and with his abulitys i think hell train zack really while.

his abilitys hell kill zack and take anything he owns not only that what if he copys zacks ability dou know the lyability that is its ovyasly some kind of scame to get what he wants. now excuse me but i need to take care of something i stude up and bolted to the door

pease calm down i have everything under contrule. the prinsses pleded

yeah right i rold my eyes and rand down the coridors.

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