40 car ride

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walking out of the office down the hallway to the lobby were the front desk lady's sat with there computers   me and Dominick walk up to the front desk to check out.

as we go throw the front doors made of glass you can see the out side ...

we walk around the building to the back passing by this garden it was field with all different kinds of plants flowers to trees all in this green house . as we came around to the back there were all these cars in a parking lot 

so is this were students park i asked 

most of these cars are owned by the school they have personal drivers. Dominick says

so what this school is like for riches  so what am i doing here my mom can beardly make enough to afroed the house. i said 

you know you don't have to be rich to be here most students are poor when they come here the rich people are the royals  mostly. Dominick replied 

as we were standing their talking this fancy  black car drives up windows were tented i noticed the logo on the car  it was a Bentley. holy shit whos rich ass car is this i thought to myself. 

that's are ride Dominick said as he walked up to the car.

hole shit i thought imagining Dominick jumping on a bed full of money hes rich  he must have gold falling from his pockets or he was born with a golden plater.

as this guy in a black sue and tie came out to opened the door for me  thats when it hit me Dominick is royalty. I got in to the car  siting in the passenger set. the car was so nice and clean.

as we lifted the school the driver introduced himself as you should know my name is... and ill be your personal driver 

personal driver? i asked

yes the school requested for me to be your driver. he said 

the school so that means Dominick isn't rich after all but were did the school come up with that kind of money to began with i thought 

well be entering the humanin realm. 

as i looked out the car window everything starts to become a blur from the out side but in this car noting changed as the sensory gets clear you can make out everything  we were no longer on that lonly rode we were in the city to be exacted the city of aspen.

we came up onto my house were here the driver says as the car came to a stop

dominick says zack before you get out remember your mom dosent know anything ill be explaining just go along with me okay 


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