41 zack sees his mom

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as my mom came out throw the front door to see who it was

me an dominick both got out of the car

hey sweat hart whos that in the car she asked confused

i hesetated not knowing what to say to her

I noticed out of the corner of my eye dominicks hand

dominick replys thats my rich uncale he wanted to drives use home today

His eyes fixyated on my mother as i notice his hand at his side snaping his finger's. I was so confused.

your uncale? she ased

She looked to be in some kind of trans or something i wanted to wave my hand in frunt of her face to see if she would snap out of it but i decided not to must be Dominicks ability.

yes he wants me to go to some private school thats why he came out to see me I told him i didnt want to leave zack so he offered zack to go as will he will pay for everything he offered zack to go will thats grate news she seamed to be in almost this transe like state agreing with everything and not asking questions.

I would like to meet this nice uncale of yours dominick as she went walking strait to the car.

i could here dominick muder under his breath danm it chasing after my mother he turnd to look at me and said you should probably pack your stuff

as i walked inside and went to my room stared gathering things up placeing in a pill on my bed cloths shoes bathroom supplies random nick nacks i had into some groshory bages sences my back pack was at the school i didnt bring it.

as zacksz mom walks up to the man in the car

hi how are you my names... nice to meet you im zacks mom they told me everything about the privat school just wanted to tell u thanks for offering zack to go with

ofcores anytime miss...

the driver lookes at dominick and gives him a look of ima kill you.

as i came out of the house with all my stuff dominick opends the trunck as i placed all my stuff in i went over to give my mom a huge knowing this might be the lasted time i see her. as we got into the car saying good bye to her was hard. 

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