29 dorm room's

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We walk down this hallway field with people of all ages we get to the doorm room and i unlock the door gaven to me by the PRINCESS Dominick standing behind me i twisted the door nub and it opened oh your finally her a voice called out a guy siting at a computer desk he has on glasses and what he lookes like ........

Oh hey long time no see simon Dominick says

Hey hows the job going for you the strange guy asked

Good hes here now Dominick replies

I see that hi my names simon ill be your room mate you must be zack right

Yea hi we shock hands

The princess gave me the lowdown on everything .simon

Your bed is their he pointed to a bed on the lifted side of the room with stuff siting on it i walk over to it and it was my clothes folded up with a few things that i had in my pocket like my phone my wallet keys to my house couple of change a doler a receipt from when i bought soda at a gasstation and the key Dominick gave me

Dominick and simon Were talking away about stuff i had no care to listen to them ramble on.

I picked up my stuff and placed it into my pocket

I picked up the key Dominick gave me

Flash backs of that night came runing back to me as if i was their at that moment

Here ketch Dominick says

I look down at it

Klick the knife shoted out Elizabeth nooo

Snapping me back to right now.Hey ill be going new you have my phone number just call me if u need anything Dominick said.

Okay i replyed.

After he lifted simon Looks over at me how you liking everything so far

It's confusing and kinda scary to think about it. i said

You'll get used to it. Simon says

Simon looks me up and down ima have to fix that he said.

Fix what i asked.

Your uniform.

What about my uniform.

Its plain.

Plain its honestly over done if u ask me i rather were my ragaler clothes. And whats with the crazy uniforms anyway. I asked him.

He chuckles a little. Each person has uneck stuff made for their ability ik it kinda looks like a comick book here


Hey speaking of uniforms come with me ill show u the shops in town i need to get new gear anyways.

Um shore got nothing else to do and ill need a turgid anyways

Cool lets head out

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