33 the next day

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I woke up to the sound of running water. Was simon taking a shower i wondered. I trun over to grabe my phone under my pillow i cheack to see if there's any missed calls or text.

Dominick text hey i would take u to your first class but the princes need ed to talk with me so I let simon know to take you.

I responded. okay.

I can here the water shouting of from the bathroom as the door opened and simon comes out with shorts on shairtliss and his hair driping all over the wood floring he walked over to his dressier and pulled out his uniform

I'll be showing u were the training room is it startes at 8 right?

Yeah so we still have a a few minutes before i need to go

I slide the blankets off me and hoped out of bed walking over to my dresser were my uniform is and a towel and went to the bathroom clothesing the door and runing a nice warm shower as i took my clothes off looking into the marrow i notices a strain of blond hair in front i question how whats going on here. I surged it off and hoped into the shower.

You ready to go to training simian asked

yea i said unsure if i wanted to.

Walking down the hallways the walls had these paintings on them it was i huge lang tall hallway almost made for gieants the floor had this red carpet with gold flowers on the sides. Walking passed a few people talking reminds me of my old high school when people would have the time and day to just talk away about the endliss nothings.

We finaly reatched the training room big dupl door's as siman gaded the Handel and the door swong open we walk in to a silent room thats huge carpeting covered the floor as a man standing the.

Oh your here finally good. The man couldn't have been more then 29 or somthing he had durty blond hair greenish blue eyes he looked like he hadent sleeped in days. He had a beard grown in and clothes looked ragity and homeless. He had this cape on  that clasped in the front a type of stone held it together. what stood out was the scare on his face 

Simon emedatly starts sufling arounding his pockets shit shit shit he says and pulls out his wallet and shufles throw it of thank god.

Theirs no need to worry I didn't take anything yet the guy laughs out with a smerk on his face. Im sorry zack but i dont want to be stuck in this room with him as a teatcher so ima get going before he takes anymoney out of my pockets Simon leaves the roon as the big doors shut clothes.

I asked what was that about.

So your zack ive hard so mutch about you my names lucifer He reached out his hand as i went to shack it.

Were have i seen you before i wonder

Im not shure What your talking about lucifer Says

Wait your that guy that was runing from the gards yesterday in the shoping districk.

Nope not me differently not lucifer Said

Straing i guess i just mixed u up with that guy for some reason.

So as of today ill be your teatcher training you how to use your magic and how to fight.


Yes as you can see we got training weapons here. But first what type of magic ability do you have?

I dont know all i know is it has something to do with some kind of darkness taking over me.

Intresting. Can you show me this.

Not really i dont know how to do any of that stuff.

Okay then I'll start with the basicks first do you know about mana.

Not really.

Mana is something we all see its particals in the air that can be used to create magic.


Yes you just have to focus your eyes and agusted them to see look stare in this deratchion.

I look to were hes pointing.

Your vision will get a little blurry for a second but you have to push passed that.

My eyes gets hevay as the vision gets blurry i blinck and i start to see thease particals of light in the air all around use i reatch out to turch them blue red yellow all the colors floting around.


Now that u see them try to focus on your ability and what you know about it try to draw in the particals of mana around u as you can feel them come into you body try to release the ability.

As i clothes my eyes and start to think my ability has something to do with darkness so i pitched a dark void.

Sorry i got nothing.

Try again

I clothes my eyes again thinking about my ability flash backs rain throw my mind of that night Elizabeth got taken away.

Yes you got this the manma is flowing into your body now try and convert it and relice it.

I feel as this strange energy flows throw me i try to release my ability as that feeling faded away.

It didn't work

Will i have another way to bring it out of u. lucifer Walks over to the set of swords on the stand and pulls out one.

I was informed you had a sword so pull it out. I reatched into my pucket and groved the key held it in my hand and click it shout out the sword i jumped back a little.

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