42 car

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As I hugged my mother good bye and got into the car looking out the window I took a deep breath as i waved her good bye. it was like watching my child hold disapered this is it no going back now as flash backs of the times we spent together i held myself implace every fiber of my being wanting to jump out of the car and go back home and forget all this night mear. I had instore for myself. But something in me told me to go. I could see a bright future wating ahead.

the driver braking the silence i cant belive you mad me do that.

dominick replys sorry didnt think she would have gonne to meat you i didnt have a chance to reacked. 

isint your aboulity suposted to make them belive you couldnt u come up with something like idk your uncle is sick today and cant see anyone right now.

sorry she took off befor i had a chance to. dominick said. 

I was wondering why did u snap your finger's is it necessary or something. I asked Dominick

Yes and no its to make shore they have full focus on me and nothing else but its not necessarily its just a triger to make shore their attention is soly only on my words.

Strange so its a kind or triger.

Yeah some abilities require a trigger to get it to activate but mine is different were its not a have to make it work but if i do use a trigger it guarantees it will.

 As i looked around the car i notice some different buttons on the dashboard ive never seen in other cars.

So whats with this bottom ive never seen it what does it do i asked the driver

That is a very unique only design for theses cars.

The school has cars specaily modified.
They have a special fetcher to uses abilities of anyone in the cars.

use ablitis i asked

This car picks up hart beats throw the seats and it conckes to the person it can take mana out of the air and use it. We watch have different mana running in are bodies their part of are soles.


You want to see it cleack the button. The driver said

Wait now im kida scared whats gonna happen if I do click it. I said hesitating

Dominick says oh you pussy as he reatch over the senter concle

Hold on i said

As he clicks it.  My hart raceing. As i get this tingling numbing sensation throughout my fingersand toe's these tiny little particals coming off my body as i look at my hand it was like this blue dust like particals. As the numing went away and i watch the particals get sucked into the car vents coming from every different deretchion.

Wow is this what u mean by it taking in mana.


The car came to life like it was its own animal. I strted hereing this thumping nocie like the car had a hart beat.

Thats the hartbeating inside this car it takes the people in the car and matches the hart beats of them but if theirs more then one person it will combined the hart beats to come up with a perfect rethem of its own. The drive said

I can now have the car use the ablittys we have.

Not like mine is useful in this situation Dominick says

If i wanted to use my ability all i have to do is use these buttons on the stearing while to activate it.

Would you like to see how yours works

Mine sure but idk mutch about it or how it even works myself.

Lets see if I click this here the car can sense when theirs a dark entity near it will show up on the screen. Wait theirs one near by rn

As i can feel this darkness flowing through out the car. This eary feeling. The car windows darkened. I can sense something bad to go down.

Dominick yells turn it off now.

As the driver franticly rushed to clecks the button to turn it off.

As all the mana in the air wint back to its original place.

Holy shit. The driver said

are u try to get use killed knowing he doesnt know how his ability works let alone what it does. Dominick said in a sturn angry voice.

I wasn't expecting that to happen. The driver said.

Zack are u okay. Dominick looking worried

Yeah im fine i wasn't expecting that to happen.

Wait you dont feel sick or passing out anything.

No why.

Strange could it be because of the course that was placed he asked himself

Course the driver asked.

Oh yeah zack was coursed but it was now broken.

Oh i think i hured about this. The driver said.

After the couse broke i wasn't able to use my ability on him anymore but it seems like other things are also different like you used to pass out it was almost like an over loge on you magic sent u passing out. But after the course was broken you dont have that issue anymore.

What i thunk was that the course was preventing u from using your abilitys. And part of your ability is to sense the sicknear by.

Wait so every time i passed out at school or something it was because the sick were their but i thought it was from the heat. I said

Yeah i kinda had to keep it a secret from you sorry. Dominick said

Wait u told me it was from the heat. I was confused


Does that mean you were using your ability that time on me. I ask


So what is the truth my hole life was a lie now i know my best friend minipulated my mind to belive lies. I can't take this anymore was anything the truth.

Zack I only used it when u passed out and didn't know why u were in the nusers office i had to come up with something and when you read my school papers saying what school i belong to. I could have u finding out before your course was broken. Dominick siad

You didn't think for one second that telling me would maybe brake the course and u wouldn't have to lie about everything to me.

I wanted to but i promised i wouldn't tell u until your 18 and the course was broken.

Do u do everything the princess says.

If she says to i follow order's i have to.

Have to so what if she said to like dogshit off her shoe's you would.

Thats enough you too were almost back to the school. The drived said

As the rest of the car ride was quite.

Were here the car came to a stop.

I got out of the car not saying a world to anyone i started graving my bages and head to the front doors were the lobby was.

Dominick took off and i dont see were he had lifted.

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