32 the book

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As i start to head down the hallway following Dominick instructions. I turn down the hallway that says doorms then i turn down the hallway that say doys doorms looking throw all the numbers on the doorn it slowly went up hallways going up in numbers i started walking thinking i know were im going but it lead down a dark hallway i noticed the numbers were old and faded away the lights were dime and i ran into the room this should be cureacked A12 this seems different for some reason did i turn down a wrong hallway everything seems empty or abandoned was this dust always their before i open the door to this room it was abandoned dusted covered the ceiling and furniture like it was caked on with spider webs hang down a desk sat by the window this must be the old doorms they used to have and was abandoned 2 beds one on the lifed and one on the right i walk in to see more of the room a book was on the desk i walk up to it looking at it dusted coved it so u couldn't see thr Wright and spider webs everywere i ran my fingers across the book to clean off some of the bust but it was still cracked as i open the book to the first page

Wrighting filded th pages still clount see a name on it. So i started reading it.

Dear diary
Today i start my new life at a new school. I hated it already i miss my old home. I wish to go back I refuse to graduate here. this place is like hell. Im forced to live in these doorms away from my family and friends for what better education they told my family.

I stoped reading is it wrong to read someones diary with out them knowing . this person might not even be still alive now. I really should get back to my boorm but what if someone is missing this book this is an old doorm maybe i could find out who it belongs to.

Walking out for the hallway I decided to take the book with me whats wrong with me i should go back and leave it their. I started looking at the numbers i see here the doorm room. I go to open it shit its locked. Oh thats right i have a key to open it.

I walk in sit on my bed as i opened the book to a random page

Dear diary
I miss my old school I miss my friends. If they can hear my thoughts right now and see what im wrighting i would say why why would u leave me here why did u lie to me why cant i know the truth about this world. My best friend told me story's about how mithical creaters were real. And that she was one. I belive her. But i also new it was a lie. I wanted to belive her a way to escape reality a place that no human can tuck i was unstoppable invinsable i was greedy i wanted power. I wanted to be her.  No i wanted to be better then her. But then. One day it had been a week of a new start high school she came out of the lasted period class room. I would meet her so we could walk to the place we sat and waited for my family to pick use up she came out upset and i didnt understand why she never talked to me that was the last day i seen her she blocked me on the internet and on the phone text something about she couldn't take it no more. Thats when all the power i grown to gain disapered.

I told you none of this is real it was just a story we came up with as kids you need to grow up she told me those worlds hurt so many thoughts ran through my head whats wrong with me i dontknwo whats real anymore somebody anybody please tell me.

I skipped a few pages as i was reading this girls dieary.

Dear diary
I meet a nice guy today after class ended we bumped into me in the hallway his eyes were like blue and green his hair was durty blond hair. He apologize for bumping into me and gave me a smile. After he lifted as i was walking to the doorms my friend Olivia came runing up to me she wispered do u know who that is

thats one of the royals. The king and queen adopted him at a young age sence the queen herself found out she can't creat babys she took him in. Hes set to be the next in line for the thrown. Really thats cool. I had no care for those kinds of things i didn't care for money or even a man i just wanted someone nice i could come home to.

I should stop this sint right to read this.

I place the book down and hid it in the dressier.

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