47 are vampires real

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I decided to open up the book again to see if i can find any names

Dear diary

Ive discovered that i have the ability to bring back the dead i was sitting their waiting for my mother to pick me up after school everyone was already gone my mom took forever to come get me when i looked at the ground a dead grasshopper I stared at it for a while as my vishion got blurry and the ground under my feet felt like it was moving like water. When I made my vision blurry in school when reading it would get clear and then the words would shifted off the page but the i just blink and it would be gone and i could see just fine. but this time staring at the dead bug i and doing this it came back alive and started hoping it acted like it was freking out at first floping on the ground but then it hoped away.

I skiped some pages
Dear diary

I was siting at home remembering the time i brute back a dead grasshopper moths would fly into my room when i lifted the window open this tinny moth was dead i tried to bring it back alive again remembering that i unfocused my eyes it came back alive and flew off my hang i thought maybe i shouldnt do this i remember when i was at my friend jenns and she thought me that me we can take people in there sleep pull them out of their bodies like an out of body experience just by using are minds thinking of were they live and were their at but each time i do it can cute my life in half i dont know how true this is or if it was possible to do but i didn't know if bringing the dead back to life was costing my life so i never did it again it would only make sense giving a pace of myself to keep it a live a little longer i hated that thought so i never want to do it again.
Dear diary

I see him everywere i go am i going crazy why is he stalking me no but why do i keep seeing him everywere i go first it was in middle school my friend Jen would fill my head with lies saying things like she was a wolf that she can read my mind then some guy at school never meet him never talked nothing she told me he was a vampire it got to the point she was telling me he can read my mind also and they can astral project them selfs into my home and they watched me and i asked her to protect my mind because i was scared theres can read and see how i lived i was homliss squatting at some horders place with my family but after my mother found a home and we moved i still see him the guy we nicked named VB stands for vampire boy his real name was Joseph i later over heard the PE teacher call him but how can he be here of all places with his stupide pail white face and dark black hair with blue eyes. The strange thing is jen told me he had a twin i never seen his twin but sometimes a few months would pass and his hair changed it was straight but then it was cruely does he have a twin im not shore but if so he switching place's with him for some reason eatch year this would happen when jen lifed me he was still going to the same school so i would see him around.

This is crazy im still not finding whos diary this is and all this just seems weird her friend minipulated her telling her carsy storys and then she leaves her and says its all just some sick joke. Are vampires even real then again im real and aparintly im an angle but this doesn't make sense if it was real why would she tell her its not.

I read more

Dear diry

I think theirs like a group of higher ups that decided im not alowed to know the truth of this world everyone i talk to about mythical creatchers they eather know or dont but the onse that know after a while they tell me its all a lie like someone is teling them not to talk about it to me and they get in truble for it. Why is it i can't know about this am I something also something that they dont want knowing about the Truth about the world or is it im just human and humans arnt supposed to know for if they did they can be in deep trouble for telling the humans. That would explain why my friend after all those things she made me believe tells me its not true. Because im not supposed to know and she lifted me because im not alowed to be friends with her or shes not alowed to be friends with me because she told me the truth.

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