8 Zack's eyes open

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    Zack's eyes opens.

I grabe my bage off the ground and set it onto the bed as Dominic shoves the papers back into his bage I ruled my eyes at him.

"i dont understand how u can deal with everything so messy u really should organs u might find things easier ". i said to him.

"yeah maybe" he says.

my bage was always clean and organised I new were everything was my pencils were in the small frunt pocket and my books your organised not a signal paper out of place crumbled up at the bottom.

later that day I set my note book down on the side of me and we head down stairs into the kitchen to eat. on the stove My mom had made potato sup in a pot waiting for us as we too to bulls out of the cobbers. the bulls had pretty flowers painted on the. siting at the table in the kitchen was my mom. "how was school today and your exams " she asked".

"same old same nothing new." I replied

" got an A in 5th period" Dominic said while pulling out a chair to sit down.

"wow thats great im prowed of u" mom said.

"hows dad" I ased. "hes good he misses u" mom said.

after diner we went to bed. I claps onto the bed and fall into a deep sleep.

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