45 healing abilitie

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I look over at Simons bed he was already gone.

I decided to take a shower but as i got into the bathroom looking in the marrow I notice my hair it had started turning blond whats going on here at the routes it was blond fading into my dark brown hair.

Im going made shit crazy this sint normal. Ill go to the nerse when i get a chance.

I took my shirt off. And pants hoped into the shower feeling the hot water poring onto my body as it drips off I started thinking of Elisabeth runing my fingers through her hair tucing it behind her ear as i started into her eyes and i leand in to kiss her as me would stand in the shower venerable to eatchother i wanted to do more with her i wanted her to be mine. I wanted to give her the world. But she was gone . ill never see her again. I wanted to ask her out but i never did.

I got out of the shower after washing up and put on my uniform

I decided i would go to training befor the nurse

So I got to the training room i opended the door to see Dominick standing there handing lusifer a peace of paper he looked back at me with this glare in his eyes

Im going now

Okay bye

Dominick walks out of the room

The door clothes

Wow i can cut the tentchin with a knife so what happen you guys had an argument or something.

I side something like that

Tell me about it

While we had an argument and said stupid shit

Lucifers foot lifted off the ground and came swinging twords my head as it slamded into me I feel on to my nees in pain my head pounding throbing with pain

What the hell you do that for

You cant let your gard down at any time something can attack you.

You dick i stood up to attack him as he moves out of the way.

So what stupide shit you tell Dominick im ding to know? Lucifer asked

Well i told him do you do everything the princess tells you to do even if she asked to like dog shit off her shoe's.

I swing my fisted at lucifer as he doged

Oh that probably pissed him off for shore lucifer laughing

Yeah but I didn't know about the curse untile simon told me about it.

As i try punching lucifer but he was to fast then he grabs my arm twist me around and aprohands me onto the ground.

You got to at lest land one hit on me he said.

Im trying my bested

He lets go and gets off me

And helps me up

So your feeling like shit now because you told him that not knowing its out of his control it cant be helped.

Yeah i look down at the ground

You know what happens when we disobey.

No i dont

So a long time ago i once tryed to disobey my hole body was in aganising pain that wouldn't go away this is why i have the scares i do today. They grabed me and wanted me to work for them i new it was bad and wrong i tryed escapeing they torched me riped my wings and scrached my eye i refushed as the pain seeped into my bones i had to say yes to their evile ways.

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