46 father was king

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Later that day at the princess room

Come in

Oh your here good sit we have mitch to talk about

Zack this might be hard for you to hear but its about time you know your father used to be king.

King what? How? Why didn't anyone tell me?

He was ruller over all the angles.

So being king that means hes like some rich guy? Wait if im his son what does that mean for me? Oh god i dont know if I can rule over anyone let alone kill a fly.

We understand that and thats why we can put you through training if needed to but

Training are you serious i know nothing of how to rule over people what if i dont want it?

We haven't told anyone yet but once they find out you can denounce your tital and the prices will take your place.

Isn't she already.

Not exactly the king your father just allowed her family to take his place until he returned.

But he's dead now

Yes that leaves you being the sole airor to rule thats why we brought you here to right fully clame your place or hand it completely over to the princess.

I don't even know if I should or shouldn't.

Thats why were giving you time to think about it. But you will have to advenctualy say what you choose.

Why dont you go to your dorm room and get some rest you have a lot to think about.

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