31 zack try's to hand the key back

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We are relaxing and simon Is playing video games

I start to go throw tiktok as an old video pops up Elizabeth and her friends made this video together of them hanging out having fun.

Sad how they probably dont know shes gone. I go to the messages on tiktok she used to blow my phone up with tiktoks all day. I swip up to the text messages hey sleepy heads wake up. Your gonna be late for school if you dont get your butts here now.

I miss her so much.

Hey I'm going to the tring room you want to coom with ill be meting up with some friends simon asked


We start walking to the training room 2 big doors stood open with clashing and banging agansted metal loud chitchat.

This is were everyone goes to hang out and its also a great place to learn your ability. Simon

The room was crowded with people some had armor on some just were a cape some had wings.

I followed simon trying to pass throw the crowed.

Simon walkes over to a group of guys hey this is zack.


Theirs are all my friends .... Names

Its nice to finally meet you.
Whats it like at your old school.

Its a lot different.

Ask i start to explain a hand touches my sholder in shock i turned around to see Dominick standing their.

Hey i see simons been showing u around that good.


He insisted on taking me to the shopping district and then he wanted to come here.

Zack sees Dominick's sword

Oh yeah that reminds me zack pulls out the key i forgot to give this back to you

Why? Dominick asked you do know its yours

What? But you gave it to me

Yeah i was holding onto it for you it

Wait what?

We each have are own weapon created for use or its handed down. When you were born your parents had its specially created for you.

Oh strange how does it turn into a sword?

It pulls the mana out of the air.

Here ill show u click the button on it. The key slowly changed form's as blue fragments separated out from the key losing shape then started pulling thes blue fragments back into a new shape as it started pulling random particles from out of thin air shaping it to form a sword it happened so fasted ita hard to see it if you weren't looking at it.

Holy shit. How does it do that hows that possible.

It pulls mana from the air around it.

Whats with the sword on the side why not turn it back into a key its a lot easier to carry.

Ot might be but if in an emergence i dont want to be looking for it in my poket and it takes to long to change forms.

Takes to long did u not see how fasted it changed.

A second can coasted thousands of lives.


Zack i hear a whisper i started to look around. Strange

Whats strange you didn't hear that?

Hear what it was like a girls voice.

Are you feeling okay your just over stressed from all this new stuff. You should take a break head back to the doorms and sleep.

Yeah your right now how do i get out of this places here follow me as we passed through the crowed of people we make it out into the hallway do u know your way back Dominick asked

Im so confused on all this

Go down the hallway you'll make a lifted at a sine that says doors then you'll get to sines that say boys and girls on the other you'll turn their their will be doorn room numbers you should be able to find it. Okay i think i got it. Thanks.

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