34 zack training

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Come at me. lucifer Says


Attack me...

What why?

Come at me with your sword.

Are you crazy do u have a deth wish or something this thing is sarp.

He luaghs death wish maybe but dont be worryed ill douger your attacks now come at me.

okay dued i llifted my sword that feels heavy in my hands and slowy step forward sliding the sword twords licifer as he steps aside doging my sword i fall fowed from the wait of the sword.

You call that an attack. Try atchaly coming at me.

I stude up starated and swong the sword at him. as he rased his arm and the swords hits mine blocked it he  lifted the wait of sword forse pushed me back As i was in shocked he really wants me to go and hit him with it.

Your really suck at this dont you

That pissed me off so i came at him with mutch more force swinging the sword as he blockes it and nockes me onto the ground.

Come on they have me teatching a child how to dance.

If he wants a fight ill give it to him as i stude up and ran at his with full force.

Please dont think your strong enough to even hight me with that.

For a good hour this went on again he said over and over again again again.

Try puting more force into it.

Try fixing your poster

Try angling the sword just like this he adgusted my are and took my had try swinging like this back and forth side to side. Now come at me again. As eatch time landing on my face sliding across this. Hard carpet hurt so mutch gave me rug burns on my face arms and lages this hurst so mutch. Again he said. Damn it why cant i hit him just once.

Your getting pissed off yet whats wrong little baby wants his momy.

You ass hole

He laughs as i go in to attack thinking about that he said and how it rain over and over in my brine i thought about my mom and house shes at home right now alone and missing me. As a wave of anger crosed over me i can feel the energy bilding inside. Listinging to his anoying word's. Again.
Their we go thats your power now try using it to hight me.

I lunger at him with all i got slashing my sword againsted his feeling him push my back but im still standing metal grinding agansted eatchother. Im gonna finally win this rould as i feel his sword hit mine i starded falling forwards as i glansted i notised under his cap white fathers I feel flat on my face again.

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